Accuracy Systems' location is not a retail/store front. It is a machine shop with dangerous machines running. For your safety we do not accept walk-ins. PLEASE CALL FOR AN APPOINTMENT IF YOU ARE GOING TO VISIT. THANKS.
Beginning on April 1, 2025, Colorado HB24-1349 requires a 6.5% excise tax on the sales of firearms and ammunition from the retail sale of any firearm, firearm precursor part, or ammunition in Colorado, in addition to sales tax. APPLICABLE TO COLORADO RESIDENTS ONLY
Testimonials 2021
Here are a few videos of Accuracy Systems Inc. Conversion Rifles filmed by owners.
I just wanted to send you a quick note after receiving my new Mini 14 rifle today.
I’m really impressed!
Love the function, feel, looks, and trigger.
Don’t know when I’ll get to actually shoot it - it’s in the 20s here in NY right now.
But I’m truly in love.
You guys do great work.
Under 1 MOA with a rifle that isn’t yet broken in, with factory ammo?
Oh, yeah, I’m going to have fun with this.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you, your family, and your gunsmiths.
It’s been a wonderful experience.
11/17/2021 2:24:56 PM Mountain Standard Time
Subject: Thank you
Dear Carl,
I want to thank you for the outstanding job you and your team did on my Mini 14. The turnaround time and workmanship exceeded my expectations. The rifle looks amazing and I’m already in love with it.
I’m going to take the new girl out for a spin tomorrow and see how she does.
I know for a fact that I will refer your business and be a returning customer myself.
Thank you again.
11/16/2021 12:33:42 PM Mountain Standard Time
Subject: Re: 7600 muzzle brake
Hey Carl, sorry I couldn't get back to you sooner, real busy. I wanted to let you know the work you folks did on my barrel is fantastic. It not only looks great she performs well also. Thanks again for the great gunsmith job.
I finally got a chance to go out to the range and sight in the Mini 1422/45 Sharps rifle. It was shooting surprisingly good especially with some Sierra 90 gr I had. 1” groups with 80 gr Barns.
Skip Jensen
Cordova Alaska
9/25/2021 2:28:07 PM Mountain Standard Time
Subject: Accurized Mini 14 - Plinking .223 hand load
Hi Carl,
I thought you may enjoy seeing these two sub-1.25” groups I shot in two consecutive days with the Mini 14 you accurized for me:
I have been working in developing a plinking load for low-priced 55gr. Hornady FMJ-BT bullets, and after trying a number of different suitable powders, powder weights, seating depths, crimp-no crimp, and F-205 and WSR primers, I believe I have reached my goal.
I know in my case the rifle shoots better than the shooter, and am proof the quality of your work clearly exceeds the level of accuracy you guarantee to your customers.
Best regards,
Shot at the Fayette County Gun Club 100 yards range.
9/24/2021 12:20:26 PM Mountain Standard Time
Subject: 7mm SAUM Upper
You are the man!!!! This thing, 7mm SAUM Upper is amazing, cant wait to order more calibers from you...
Derek Jordan
8/14/2021 10:40:47 AM Mountain Standard Time
Subject: Mini 14
I just installed a .045" gas bushing in my Mini 14. I also have one of your adjustable gas blocks. I went to the range yesterday to test the
rifle and was very pleased! I was able to dial in the gas block and my brass landed in a pile about five feet away with the rifle cycling perfectly. Accuracy was a lot better also.
Thanks for some great products!
William Hewitt
8/20/2021 2:51:10 PM Mountain Standard Time
Subject: Adjustable Gas Block/barrel Stabilizer
Called a few minutes ago, just wanted to sincerely thank y’all for making such a good product!! I couldn’t be happier. I’ve always loved M1a’s, Mini’s etc… ever since handling a few M14’s in the military.
The mini has always been one of my favorites and especially now that I can tame down the brass ejection. No longer does the brass get that classic dent and I don’t have to walk 50 feet away to find it.
Plus the strut works great. I’ve had Mo-Rods, Accu-Struts, etc. and while they all work just fine nothing is as complete of a package as your product. Gives it that real M14 look and feel.
Anyway, just wanted to say thanks and I’ll be ordering more products from y’all in the near future.
Dustin Blankenship
8/14/2021 6:50:57 PM Mountain Standard Time
Subject: Adjustable Gas Block
I am writing to let you know how pleased I am with your Generation 4 adjustable gas block for my Ruger Mini-30. Installation was straightforward and the improvement in function was immediate. The click adjustment knob and relocated sling swivel are a quantum improvement over the factory gas block. Thanks for a great product.
Bill Craig
7/22/2021 11:55:36 AM Mountain Standard Time
Subject: ASI Laminate Target Stock Pic
It arrived today. It is WAY better than than I thought! Thanks again. The Extra power recoil spring was a little tough to install! James
Hi James, The Extra power recoil guide spring are designed to be stiffer to slow the Operating Rod down for less recoil. Thanks Carl Emmite
7/11/2021 3:42:18 PM Mountain Standard Time
Subject: Harmonic Stabilizer
I installed Harmonic Stabilizer on my Mini 14 Ranch rifle that was manufactured in 1990. Before my group shot's were all over the place. After installation of the Stabilizer I was more than pleased with the results. My group pattern was impressively more consistent. You've done a great job on it and is well worth the price I paid for it. You get 5 stars all around. I'd say it is the best out there.
Thanks, Rocndoc
04/20/2021 10:59:28 AM Mountain Standard Time
Subject: Gun is Scaring Me....
Carl, Gun is Scaring Me....
Just an update. First time shooting 200 yards. Love the trigger..
Shot #35 to foul the barrel. Shots 36, 37, & 38....0.281" spread center to center. One shot between the outer two.
69 degrees here today. Bullets were 62 FMJBT, American Eagle by Federal. AE223N.
I went to 4 shots today cause lm on the 200 yard range. Will keep this up between cleanings till l hit 60.
Barrel is looking very shinny inside....
Am l happy? Yes l am, very. That's a 44 slug next to the holes in the paper..
Thank you.
Darrel Webster
Rifle Specs
Rifle - Ruger Mini 14 - Ultra Match 416 Stainless Steel
Trigger - Approximately 3.5 to 4.25LBS Trigger Job
Gas Block - .850” gas block & parts kit,
Machine work and fitting - 11 degree target crown, Modify or replace Hand guard, Fitting stock, Machining of Operating rod or replacement, 3 point steel bedding
Sub-MOA accuracy guarantee @ 100 yards three shot group with selected factory ammo. Does not include 1st shot out of Mini rifles or cold shot on bolt rifles & other semi autos.
6/14/2021 7:29:57 PM Mountain Standard Time
Subject: 338 federal
Carl, just wanted to let you know I received my 7600-338 Federal today, and I am very pleased with the craftsmanship that you and your team put into that rifle. Very pleased with your professionalism, letting me know how long to expect, everything. I am a very happy customer. I look forward to working with you again sometime! Thanks again for everything. Looking forward to some range time this weekend!
Matt Lilley
6/11/2021 2:49:04 PM Mountain Standard Time
Subject: Sharing photo of finished build….
I just wanted to say thank you for all your help and the parts provided so I could finish this project!! Just wanted to share a photo and say IT SHOOT’S AMAZING!
Kyle Land
6/7/2021 4:14:25 PM Mountain Standard Time
Subject: Re: Mini 14
Picked it up today. It is awesome!!!! Thank you so much! (Mini 14 Custom)
Sent from my iPhone
6/4/2021 5:08:11 PM Mountain Standard Time
Subject: Re: Mini-30
( Ruger Mini 30 Ultra Match 416 Stainless Steel, 6.5 Grendel) took the gun out and shot it today. At the risk of admitting to fudging on your barrel break in procedure, I shot five shot groups between cleanings, for a total of 60 rounds. The gun performed flawlessly, and after the first 20 rounds or so really settled in and shot well. I had multiple groups that were 3” or less in elevation at 300 yards, and people gathered around behind me commenting that they didn’t think Mini-30s were supposed to be very accurate! Thanks again for such a great rifle.
Lee Deneke
5/10/2021 5:27:43 PM Mountain Standard Time
Subject: Feedback on rail
Just letting you know the rail and forend fit nicely on my Remington 760. As we discussed, two of the mounting holes are offset compared to the 7600, but I will take it to my local gunsmith and have them drilled. I'm very pleased with the rail and forend. You did a great job on them. Very pleased to have done business with you and will do so again.
Charlie Max Hubbard
5/1/2021 6:06:48 PM Mountain Standard Time
Subject: .223 Rem. Ruger Mini-14 Ranch Rifle with Accuracy Systems Adjustable Gas Block & Stabilizer
Hello Carl.
Have had some time now after installing the Harmonic Barrel Stabilizer II gas block and stabilizer to work up some loads experimenting with 7 different bullets and 5 powders.
Would have never attempted to hand load for this rifle the way it came from the factory.
Never would have dreamed I could load brass 11 times with full house loads especially in a semi-auto rifle and not have to trim it and the primer pockets still be acceptably tight.
Ruger did a good job chambering the barrel and the bore is very smooth.
Before installing your system brass came out dented and sometimes had split necks if you could find it.
Hornady's 60 gr. Soft Point, Barns 62 gr. TSX and Sierra's 65 gr. Game King gave best accuracy with RL-15 powder.
Federal's MSR 62 gr. Fusion factory load did ok as did some of the 55 and 62 gr. FMJ from various manufacturers.
Your adjustable gas block did its job taming excessive force on the action and distance brass was thrown.
Your harmonic stabilizer cut group size a little more than half.
Am very pleased with your product to say the least.
In the picture above the top left and bottom right targets are the smallest groups so far shot at 50 yards off sand bags.
Thanks again to the people at Accuracy Systems.
A Very Pleased Customer.
Mike Patrick
4/23/2021 4:43:50 PM Mountain Standard Time
Subject: Re: Barrel Break in and more.................
Hey Carl hope this finds you well and in good health.I got everything set up on the 7600 rifle today at a 100 yards I put 6 rounds in the bullseye you could cover with a quarter you did a great job I cant thank you enough may the lord protect and heal you and put his arms around you. Thanks again for a job well done, Paul Smith
3/22/2021 10:13:07 PM Mountain Standard Time
Subject: Bob Campbell's Mini14 Custom 22 NOSLER RIfle
Hi Carl:
I've been meaning to send you these pictures from a week or two ago.
This female with the mange had been appearing near the house several times the previous week trying to bait my two dogs. She showed up again and the dogs (two Golden Retrievers) brought her to my attention by beginning the chase. I called them back and got a shot with the 22 Nosler (77gr) at 125 yds. The coyote just dropped, perfect shoulder/heart/lungs shot. Exit wound was the size of a quarter. The poor animal had mange very bad.
There was a large male hiding in the bushes near the dead female ready to ambush the dogs. I missed a running shot at him
I really like the rifle now. It seems like everything broke in after 200-300 rounds and I am used to the trigger. It will consistently shoot 3" groups at 300 yds. even in some wind.
Hope all is good with you,
Bob Campbell
3/16/2021 5:02:57 PM Mountain Standard Time
Subject: Fw: Mini-14 Before and After Groups with Accuracy Systems Harmonic Barrel Stabilizer II
Expand the picture and you can see before and after 50-yard 3-shot group results of factory Federal MSR 62 gr. Fusion, Federal 55 gr. FMJ and PPU 62 gr. FMJ loads.
Circled bullet holes are 3-shot 50-yard groups fired off a solid sand bag rest before the gas block and stabilizer was installed.
Un-Circled holes are 3-shot 50-yard groups fired after installation on the same targets with exact same factory loads.
Worked up some loads afterwards that also group 1.4 MOA and a little under.
Ruger factory bushing was .005" too long and took .001" at a time off until the bushing was still snug enough to not allow gas blowby then torqued it to 40 in. lbs.
Thanks for a great product that works as claimed.
I can now shoot it with confidence to not miss or wound.
Mike Patrick
cell 903-263-2929
Forgot this target I'd set aside.
You'll need to expand the picture to see all the groups.
Shot factory ammo groups on the same target with different loads before and after installing the Accuracy Systems Adjustable Gas Block / Harmonic Stabilizer for an accurate comparison.
Groups with bullet holes circled are before and un-circled holes are after installation showing a clear improvement.
Mini-14's combat accuracy is what it is.
3/1/2021 3:06:16 PM Mountain Standard Time
Just got my mini14 trigger group back after you guys did your advanced modification. Absolutely amazing improvement over the factory trigger! I didn't think it would be possible for anyone to make such an incredible improvement! Also appreciate the 13 day turnaround time!
Thanks so much!
William Schulte
Sparta, illinois
2/12/2021 2:23:59 PM Mountain Standard Time
Subject: Re: Barrel Break in and more.................
Travis & Carl, I received the 7600 I sent to you for rebarrel and fix trigger I just want you to know how pleased I am with it it was a mess when I sent it to you now it looks brand new thank you so much for a job well done!! PJ Smith
2/13/2021 10:50:22 AM Mountain Standard Time
Subject: Followup on Order #11446
Hi Carl!
I got the replacement Mini-14 Hand Guard today. It looks great!
I want to thank you for the good communication and the outstanding service!
Accuracy Systems has been an excellent resource for me, to fix up my Rugers, especially during these trying times.
You will continue to be my first go-to resource!
Thank you!
Rick Hohn
Mitchell, SD
1/19/2021 11:19:09 AM Mountain Standard Time
Subject: Accuracy systems walnut stock and handguard
Hi Carl, thanks again for providing me with this walnut stock and handguard, gave my mini 14 a great new look and feel, keep up your good work and products. Joe
1/19/2021 11:19:09 AM Mountain Standard Time
Subject: Accuracy systems walnut stock and handguard
Hi Carl, thanks again for providing me with this walnut stock and handguard, gave my mini 14 a great new look and feel, keep up your good work and products
1/8/2021 4:42:16 PM Mountain Standard Time
Subject: Much improvement , thanks
Happy New Year. Much improvement , thanks
I finally got a chance to shoot my Mini 14 for the first time since you worked on it. The accuracy is greatly improved, thank you very much.
The M14/M1A front sight is largely responsible, but the Springfield muzzle brake and shortened barrel (to eliminate some pitting) need credit too. I just shot as good a 100yd group (with open steel sights) s I can shoot with my M1A or my 1903 at that range. Before your work, I couldn't hit a barn with my early Mini 14. Now, she's a winner!
I wanted the M1A muzzle brake and military front sight mostly for the look, but it is a super bonus improvement to my rifle's performance too.
I have 3 more Mini 14s to do like the first, if I can special order adapters in a steel that can be blued or Parkerized.
Thanks again.
Jim Inman
1/5/2021 10:56:56 AM Mountain Standard Time
Subject: Re: ETA on Remington 7600 30 06
Good morning Carl. I was cleaning out my email box this morning. When I got to this email I was reminded of how much happiness you gave my husband when he received his 7600 rifle before hunting season started. He had a great time hunting with his brother in Oregon. I wanted to thank you again and wish you a productive and joyous 2021.
Audrey Cooper
Tuesday, March 25, 03:28:50 PM Mountain Time
Accuracy Systems' location is not a retail/store front. It is a machine shop with dangerous machines running. For your safety we do not accept walk-ins. PLEASE CALL FOR AN APPOINTMENT IF YOU ARE GOING TO VISIT. THANKS.
Hours of operation are Monday thru Thursday 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM, Friday 8:00 AM to 12:00 PM Mountain Time Zone
(Closed Saturday & Sunday)
All prices stated in this web site are subject to change without notice.