Accuracy Systems, Inc. Click for the BBB Business Review of this Guns & Gunsmiths in Byers CO 1661 Behrens RD
Byers, Colorado 80103
Tel: (303) 822-6849 Fax: (720) 367-5095
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Accuracy Systems' location is not a retail/store front. It is a machine shop with dangerous machines running. For your safety we do not accept walk-ins. PLEASE CALL FOR AN APPOINTMENT IF YOU ARE GOING TO VISIT. THANKS.


Beginning on April 1, 2025, Colorado HB24-1349 requires a 6.5% excise tax on the sales of firearms and ammunition from the retail sale of any firearm, firearm precursor part, or ammunition in Colorado, in addition to sales tax. APPLICABLE TO COLORADO RESIDENTS ONLY
Testimonials 2017

Here are a few videos of Accuracy Systems Inc. Conversion Rifles filmed by owners.

Suppressed 243 WSSM Vapor trails & 400m Practical Shooting
Mini 14 300yds on steel plate
The custom Mini-14 Ruger again
Ruger Mini-14 Ranch Rifle Accuracy Upgrade

Here are just a few of the many positive responses we receive on a weekly basis.

12/29/2017 3:00:22 PM Mountain Standard Time
Subject: Job well done

Carl and crew,
It has been several months since receiving my finished custom mini 14. I could not be more happy with the detailed work and results. I do not abuse equipment but do use it. The dependability and accuracy has not been an issue with your craftsman's ship. I have carried the rifle from high country desert terrain to the depths of southern Mississippi timber country and every where in-between. The loads varied from 55 grain sp to 62 grain monolithic and I have never had a misload. Coyotes, wild hogs and lord knows what have fell to the accuracy. The suppressor does not effect function in any way. The day will come when I am looking at a mini 30 and my call will be to you.
Roy R Greenfield
Amherst, NE
12/19/2017 11:16:13 AM Mountain Standard Time
Subject: Re: Re: Your rifle is finished

Hi Carl,

I had a chance to put about 100 rounds through the Custom Mini 14 rifle the other day, and I love it! The trigger is amazing and the rifle is more accurate than I am. Thank you so much for the fantastic work!

Merry Christmas!


Dean Sipe
11/20/2017 3:39:05 PM Mountain Standard Time
Subject: Ar 10 you built me 500 yds

Accuracy Systems Ultra Lite AR 10

Accuracy Systems Ultra Lite AR 10 - UMSS 308Win., 1 x 11 twist, 20
John Singletary
Accuracy Systems Ultra Lite AR 10 - UMSS 308Win., 1 x 11 twist, 20 Accuracy Systems Ultra Lite AR 10 - UMSS 308Win., 1 x 11 twist, 20

 Ultra Match 416 Stainless Steel, .25/45 Sharps  Ruger Mini-14
11/11/2017 2:26:34 PM Mountain Standard Time
Subject: Re: Invoice 1002138 from Accuracy Systems, Inc.

Hi Carl and team at ASI, I received my Ultra Match 416 Stainless Steel, .25/45 Sharps Ruger Mini-14 yesterday, took to the range to site in for MI firearm deer opening day on 11/15/17. All I can say is WOW, by far the most accurate rifle I ever shot in my life.

Thank You, Thank You, Thank You! James White

10/24/2017 6:01:46 A.M. Mountain Daylight Time
Subj: Re: Invoice 100197 from Accuracy Systems, Inc.

Good morning. This is just a quick note thanking you for the excellent rifle. On the 3rd day of the season here in NY, it took a medium size whitetail at 85 yard with one shot. The entrance wound was exactly where the shot was intended. Thank you for helping me create such an accurate custom rifle, best suited for my needs. Michael Fregoe     New York
My 6yr old shot his first little 8 pt at 220 yds with a 6.8 you put together for me this year
10/23/2017 8:31:43 A.M. Mountain Daylight Time
Subj: kids first deer with your 6.8

Just thought id share, this is what its all about. My 6yr old shot his first little 8 pt at 220 yds with a 6.8 you put together for me this year. You guys do great work and made me one proud father this weekend. Thank you again

Best regards,

Jim King

K&R Wood Products LLC

K&R Wood Products LLC.

10/21/2017 1:00:50 P.M. Mountain Daylight Time
Subj: Mini 14 300 blk

Hi Carl. I had you build a mini 14 and 300 Blackout action with a heavy barrel for me. Just wanted to give you some good news and an update. I don't know if you are allowed to pass along reloading information but I have found a couple of loads that are very accurate and cycle the action quite well.
125 grn. Speer TNT
21.O grains H-CFE BLK (compressed)
O.A.L 2.100"
Cycles the action perfectly and appears to be the most accurate load I have been able to load yet. 3 shot .5" 100 yrs groups

Subsonic (suppressed): 220 grn. Sierra RN pro Hunter(this is a must) 11.8 grains H-CFE BLK O.A.L. 2.200" This is the only recipe I believe that will cycle it subsonic. From what I gather, the bullet to Barrel tension is greater with this bullet because it has more surface area between the bullet and the barrel. This in turn allows you to put a slightly higher charge and holds back pressure enough to cycle the operation of the piston.
I just wanted to pass that along in case you have any other future customers who purchase the 300 Blackout with a heavy barrel. It might give them some options.

Kevin Gross
Chris Cooper, you built a Remington 700 for me recently
10/6/2017 11:46:39 A.M. Mountain Daylight Time
Subj: Remington 700

Good afternoon Carl. Chris Cooper, you built a Remington 700 for me recently. I had a chance to shoot it today finally. The gun shot amazing. I had a few old reloads laying around from a previous gun. These reloads shot 0.431" group, even though I was repositioning and cleaning the barrel between shots. I fired 6 shots to get it close to zero at 100 yards then these 3...I can't say enough good stuff about the gun. I appreciate your work! Thanks bud!
From: Cooper, Chris Chris.Cooper@ultr--------

10/3/2017 10:22:53 A.M. Mountain Daylight Time
Subj: Mini 14 repair

Carl the Mini 14 rifle shoots great with the Harmonic Stabilizer II you installed, Thank You John Koblick - Manteca, CA
9/26/2017 9:40:13 P.M. Mountain Daylight Time
Subj: Re: mini 14

Mini 14 trigger I got back. no creep, really sweet, can't wait to hit the range then coyotes!     Richard Garner
Hi Carl,

I found your supplemental info on the website and figured out the disassembly. Very happy with the Custom Ultra Match Mini 14 rifle. It shoots great as advertised and looks even better than I thought it would. Wish Dad was still with us so he could shoot it. I think he would be very impressed with his old coyote rifle.

Thanks again,

Henry Krug

Sent from my iPhone
Custom Ultra Match Mini 14 rifle

9/14/2017 2:57:27 P.M. Mountain Daylight Time
HEADLEY 6.5CM 200YD Accuracy Systems Remington 700 Build Subj: HEADLEY 6.5CM 200YD Accuracy Systems Remington 700 Build

Hello Carl, wanted to share my hand-load results from the range today. The photo below is from 200 YDS, 120 grain Sierra (SMK) HPBT using IMR 4064 powder, Lapua Brass, CCI BR-4 SR primers.

After 3 rounds for 'sight-in', Next 3 rounds = .180" group. The 1st 2 rounds is the top hole.


Obviously, there are no complaints. I greatly appreciate ASI's fine work.


8/16/2017 9:21:15 A.M. Mountain Daylight Time
Subj: New stock Mini 14 Bone & Gray


Thanks for the very quick service. I ordered the stock for my Mini on Friday and it was delivered here in Ohio on Monday.

The stock looks and feels great. Action/barrel of my 196 series dropped right in without a single issue.

I've also been very happy with the M1 carbine style sight I purchased from Accuracy Systems a few years ago. It's point of aim was dead on at 50 yards right from installation. I didn't even need to adjust it!

Best regards from Ohio,

Mike Enders
Absolutely Beautiful Gray & Black Laminate Stock Very Ergonomic with open sights or scope

New stock Mini 14 Bone & Gray
(Bone, Black & Gray SPR-01 Pictured)
New stock Mini 14 Bone & Gray
8/15/2017 5:18:03 P.M. Mountain Daylight Time
Subj: Really enjoyed the experience of the Harmonic Barrel Stabilizer II

Carl: thanks for the sincere personal and helpful manner in answering my questions on the phone when I ordered the Accuracy systems adjustable gas block and integral strut. My follow up call with additional questions was impressive and helpful as well. The assembly went quickly and easily. I put it on at the range and was pleased with the result. I know you don't guarantee an improvement but I was happy with the tightening of groups at 50 yards. (The only distance available today) I had it adjusted within 4 tries and there was no "walking" even with 20 rounds a minute. It threw the brass about 45 degrees forward and a shorter distance than before. It was extra bucks but in my opinion the solid strut to gas block connection and the single strut to barrel clamp closed the deal for me. I'm 72 so what the hell, get what's best!

Wishing you continued success, Gary
7/3/2017 10:18:53 A.M. Mountain Daylight Time
Subj: AR 10 conversion

Hi Carl
Attached is proof of your great gunsmith capability.
All shot from the 100 yard bench.
Sand bags only no fancy Gun rest.
The pictures were from last groups I shot. All holes measured center to center.
I cleaned and broke in the barrel as suggested. I shot 60 bullets of different grains and 3 shot groups.
I waited 5 min between each firing due to the temps are above 85 degrees. For the last 5 shot group I adjusted the scope ( 4x16 vortex viper ) for the 120 g match Hornady. The 5 shot group was the last of the day and my fault for the spread. I was really overheated at that point. 5 hours in 85 + heat. Not as young as I think I am.
I know the rifle can shoot better than this 62 year old Marine can.
Keep up the great work.
Best regards
Randy Reagan
Semper Fi

AR 10 conversion AR 10 conversion
AR 10 conversion AR 10 conversion

6/7/2017 12:20:54 P.M. Mountain Daylight Time
Good afternoon, I'm very impressed with the Ruger Mini 30 and the AR 15 7.62 x 39 upper receiver you built me. Thank you for the excellent service and quality workmanship on my 2 project rifles.

Thank you, Michael Fregoe

**** This test target is to verify the accuracy of your rifle @ 100 yards with factory selected ammo three shot group. Does not include 1st shot out of Mini rifles (Auto Syndrome) or cold shot on bolt rifles & other semi autos.

SN – Michael Fregoe
Wind: 10 MPH Cross Wind
Temperature 65 F
Including Cold / Auto Syndrome shot = Included
3 Shot Group Size = .634”
Ammo Used – Winchester 123gr SP
6/6/2017 11:47:37 A.M. Mountain Daylight Time
Subj: Thanks for the trigger job

To all concerned;

Thank you very much for the trigger job you did on my mini-14 trigger assy. Invoice 16-9490. I have not fired it yet accept for dry firing and it was like night and day from when it was fresh out of the box. Cheers to good quality work.

Question; What is the screw and washer assy by the trigger?

Do I need to maintain it?

Bill Ellis
Aztec, NM
5/25/2017 2:00:24 P.M. Mountain Daylight Time
Subj: rifle received

Carl, Received the AR 10 - 308 #601 rifle today, and it’s beautiful . and the paper work is done and the check will go out Friday. You guys have a great weekend knowing what you do for us saves lives.

Kerry Kredgate @ Clay County Sheriff
5/21/2017 1:54:32 P.M. Mountain Daylight Time
Subj: Long range tactical build

Hey Carl,

I recently received my AR 10 build (Long Range Tactical chambered in 6.5 Creedmoor), thank you very much.

I was extremely satisfied with the rifle and your recommendations for the build to fit my needs. They were perfect!

Then, I got to the range. The performance of the rifle was above and beyond my expectations! After a handful of rounds to dial in the optics, I consistently shot less than 1/2" 3 shot groups all day with factory box ammo (Hornady 6.5 Creedmoor 140gr ELD Match).

I look forward to shooting in my first competition 600m match. I'll have added confidence going in knowing how well the rifle performs.

Thanks again from a completely satisfied customer,

Joe Aksamit
Galt, CA
5/11/2017 5:51:03 P.M. Mountain Daylight Time
Subj: Gas block

Carl,     Wanted to how much I love the Mini 14 Gen 4 adjustable gas block ! Easy to install and adjust ! And also by adjusting the pressure down there's less residue keeping the rifle a lot cleaner! Excellent product! Thanks! Charlie Firth

Bolt Blueprint Bolt Blueprint

5/3/2017 4:41:56 P.M. Mountain Daylight Time
Subj: Magazines

I'm an employee at FCI Three Rivers Correctional and we recently had 2 rifles rebarreled. They shoot very well, one hole groups! I would like to know what magazines its compatible with. We may get some 5-10 round mags in the future. Thanks
Jason Gutierrez

  • Varmint / Tactical contour
  • Ultra Match 4140CM Steel, 308Win.
  • 1 x 10 twist 24"x .850"
  • Black Oxide Barrel finish, machine work and fitting
  • 11 degree target crown
  • 1/2-MOA accuracy guarantee @ 100 yards three shot group with selected factory ammo. Does not include 1st cold shot on bolt rifles.
This test target is to verify the accuracy of your rifle @ 100 yards with factory selected ammo three shot group. Does not include 1st shot out of Mini rifles (Auto Syndrome) or cold shot on bolt rifles & other semi autos.

SN – G6400XXX
Wind: 10 MPH Cross
Temperature 78 F
Including Cold / Auto Syndrome shot = N/A
3 Shot Group Size =.321"
Ammo Used – Custom Hornady 165gr.BTSP

Bolt Blueprint
5/1/2017 12:08:09 P.M. Mountain Daylight Time
Subj: Re: Bolt Blueprinting ?

Hi Carl,

You had asked me to get back to you after we did the Bolt Blueprint on my Mini 30 but I have been a bit remiss in getting back to you .

After I put the heavier trigger spring on it I was getting about 20% failure on most of the steel stuff with the exception of I think it was Wolf. The Wolf shot OK for 20 rounds but the Golden Tiger was about an 80% failure rate.

Well, I'm happy to report that the Blueprint job gives pretty close to 100% success on everything but the Golden Tiger. Just had it out this weekend and got 4 out of 20 G.T. that I had to hit twice and one left over steel something-or-other that wouldn't go at all. (I'll chalk that one up to bad ammo). Too bad on the Golden Tiger cause this seems to be the most accurate of the Steel stuff.

Finally got the sight working and dialed in. (See pic). It's a bit interesting in that I had first taken out the intermediate riser to mount it a little lower but when I did I couldn't bore-sight it. Ran out of adjustment. Checked the level of the riser and found that it was canted just a bit to the front (meaning that the lower part was to the rear again). Replaced the riser and it zeroed right up.

Got it on paper and dialed in at 50yd. (See pics). Stuff in white is getting it dialed in. Most of the stuff in the middle is Golden Tiger.

It shot a little high at 100 so had a bit more work to do. Had a few good shots after that but was getting tired so mostly blasting away.

Overall pretty satisfied now with the gun and everything done to it. Thanks for all your help.

Mike Loftus

Seatac, WA
Bolt Blueprint Bolt Blueprint

4/28/2017 1:49:44 P.M. Mountain Daylight Time
Subj: Thank you.


Thank you for a super job on my 300WSM upper. I received it today, mounted my Vortex Viper pst and put it on my sass lower. Will be building a dedicated lower for it soon.

When I talked to you about my other rifle I asked you about Remington 700, do you do Winchester rifles also? I have a model 70 270wsm that I might also want re-barreled and new stock.

Yes we do Remington and Winchester re-barrels.

Thanks again.
Mike Marker
4/13/2017 5:05:49 P.M. Mountain Daylight Time
custom remington 700 6.5 x 284 1/4 MOA three shot group custom remington 700 6.5 x 284 1/4 MOA three shot group


I pulled the first shot, but the last 3 as you can see below show what the rifle is truly capable of doing. You may not the be the best known custom Remington 700 gunsmith, but I will take this accuracy any day. Had another guy shoot it when I first got it and his first question after shooting it out to 1000 yards was “Who built this rifle." He is a very good shot and has shot many different custom rifles. He was very impressed with the quality and accuracy of your build. He was able to hit 5 head shots at 1000 yards "8 inch circle" with it.

Your friend and customer for life.
Jerry Clayton

4/12/2017 7:10:15 A.M. Mountain Daylight Time
Subj: Dale Benson

Hi Carl.

Here is some photo's I have of the AR 10 upper you did for me. One of the Uppers you see if the 6.5 x 284 Norma that you see with the open port that shows a 125 grain Nosler partition bullet ready to be chambered. The 125 grain bullet is exactly seated perfectly in the cartridge, it's not seated deep, the bullet is just right in the cartridge. All of the photo's you can see loaded ammunition in the magazine, these are 6.5 x 284 Norma loaded ammunition with Nosler partition 125 grain bullets which seat exactly perfect without the tail of the bullets seated into the cartridge case space with the powder. The base of the bullet is at the bottom of the neck of the cartridge.

The other upper in 6 mm x 284 was a perfect match for the AR 10 because 24 caliber bullets are short so they can be seated out or seated to where ever you want the bullets seated in the cartridge . The attached photo of me with the Trump shirt, this is the AR 10 with the 6 mm x 284 win chambered upper.

Using the 284 win necked up or down is a perfect match to the AR 10, no alterations to the upper or lower or magazines is needed. I did find for magazines I had to use the steel 20 round magazines due to the 284 cartridge is larger diameter than 308, so for some reason the 284 cartridge wanted to only work consistently in the steel magazines. Using any brand of plastic magazines does not work at all loading 284 sized cartridges in plastic magazines.

I will in the future make some more photo's for you .

Parts list used for these two AR 10 uppers. Aerow precision upper & lower - bolt carrier & bolt. Pac Nor super match barrels in 6 mm & 6.5 mm / 26 inch barrels. JP enterprise adjustable gas blocks. Hand guards are DPMS .

Dale Benson.
Aloha Oregon.
custom remington 700 6.5 x 284 1/4 MOA three shot group custom remington 700 6.5 x 284 1/4 MOA three shot group
4/11/2017 4:16:04 P.M. Mountain Daylight Time
Subj: Re: Invoice 1001915 from Accuracy Systems, Inc.

Mr. Emmite,
I just received it. Thank You! You did a beautiful job on the Mini 30 6.5 Grendel. I can't wait to try it out.

Thanks again for your excellent work!


Kevin Couper
3/31/2017 6:23:54 P.M. Mountain Daylight Time
Subj: Re: Invoice 1001912 from Accuracy Systems, Inc.


I received the Mini 14 barrel from you today. That Mini 14 trigger job is PHENOMENAL! Thank you also for installing the stabilizer. I really appreciate that. Thank You!

Sent: 3/27/2017 5:14:26 P.M. Mountain Daylight Time
Subj: Trigger Job

Just got the trigger group for my Mini-14 back and my main comment is WOW!!
Sent: 3/13/2017 3:04:31 P.M. Mountain Daylight Ti Wouldn't want it any lighter.
John Honekamp
3/27/2017 7:12:24 A.M. Mountain Daylight Time
Subj: Build #1906. Ruger Mini 14 - 24" x 1" Bull barrel, 1 x 9 twist and 3 Port Large Maxi Brake.. What an incredible rifle. 300 yard target 4 inch diameter. 3 different shooters one shot each awesome results. 55 grain vmax hornady
Build #1906. Ruger Mini 14 - 24 Clyde E. Bingham

Chickasha, OK
Sent: 3/20/2017 2:41:55 A.M. Mountain Daylight Time
Subj: RE Adjustable Harmonic Barrel Stabilizer II

Dear Carl

I received the stabilizer last Friday and installed it to my 188 Mini 14 straight away. I went to the range a day later and shot some 100 bullets. The groups at 50m (55 Yards) went from an abysmal 15 cm (6 Inches) down to arround 2.5 cm (1 Inch), no matter how hot the rifle got. Without your stabilizer I would have sold my Mini...

Thanks again for your help and your fantastic product!

Best regards from Germany

PS: Feel free to add this E-Mail to the testimonials on your web site.
Sent: 3/17/2017 7:26:22 P.M. Mountain Daylight Time
Subj: great work


I got back my trigger group from you today after your basic trigger job was done on it. Best 2 stage trigger I've ever used. Smooth trigger release, just the right weight for me. I finished putting the adjustable gas block on about an hour ago. The bushing needed quite a bit of shortening, but I was cautious and your clear instructions were excellent. It's still pretty cold up here in southcentral Alaska, but I can't wait to go shoot my 581 series Mini-14. I know just these basic changes will help make it all the Mini it can be, but ultimately, I will get the three point stock mounting system done and probably the barrel re-crowned.
Thank you so much for your help and expertise. I put a post up on your Facebook page.

Warmest Regards,

Warren Troy
Alaska Wilderness Adventure Author
Sent: 3/13/2017 3:04:31 P.M. Mountain Daylight Time
Subj: Mini 14 trigger job

Just got my Mini 14 trigger group in the Mail, I must say it's a lot better then the Factory trigger I'm so glad I got the Advanced Trigger Job, The man that did this trigger job has made me fall in Love with my Mini 14 all over again. The turn around time was so fast thank You Accuracy Systems.


C Edwards

3/8/2017 8:19:30 P.M. Mountain Standard Time
Subj: Re: Mini-14 adjustable gas block

Mini-14 adjustable gas block Harmonic Barrel Stabilizer II

Carl, I figured out what was wrong with my set screw. Looks like it had a small amount of thread locker inside the top. Once I knocked that out of the way my .050 worked great. Thanks for the feedback today. So far your gas block has been great and had made target shooting more comfortable and accurate. It's a great product.

3/7/2017 5:53:18 P.M. Mountain Standard Time
Subj: Re: 6x45

Yes. Since the 6.8spc mini 14 is harder to get and my wife and Daughter already have them I bought it. So it gets put ahead of the 6x45 I plan to have you customize for me. So 6.8 first then 6x45. The 6.8 has become a family thing. I may just have to get one for each of my sons. We will see. Hopefully you will be around for many years. I wish you could see the 4shot group I shot at 500yrds with one of the 6x45 you guys put together. Its right at 1.5in! That's four consecutive shots and I had a friend check each shot after it was fired! Just to be sure that it wasn't a fluke I shot two at another target and the bullets were an inch apart. I have a picture of it on my cell phone but i am to computer ignorant to be able to send it to email. I love the work you guys do! Thanks Jay.
3/7/2017 7:37:25 P.M. Mountain Standard Time

Hi Accuracy,

Received my Mini-30 yesterday afternoon, it looks beautiful! did an awesome clean job. Very nice I’ll be taking to the range this upcoming Sunday, and will let you know how it shoots…pretty sure it will be great.

Thank you!

Marc Lemieux
Testmonial letter from Richard Corbin
3/5/2017 1:50:56 P.M. Mountain Standard Time
Subj: I Love my Mini Again!

Dear Accuracy Systems, Inc.

Just a note of thanks for offering the gas bushings for the Ruger mini's.

My 583 series Ranch Rifle was throwing empties into a different time zone and leaving them unusable for reloading.

I installed the .045" bushing and it is laying them 6 feet away each and every time. Tested it with three different cartridge manufacturers and each functions flawlessly.

Much less recoil and now I don't worry about landing hot brass on strangers at the range. (beyond 6 feet at least).

Again thank you for offering these upgrades for the Ruger Mini. Fast transaction and shipping. Great communications!

I'll be back and I'll be telling others about your site.

Best Regards,

Craig Vuccola

Central Pennsylvania
3/1/2017 5:15:42 P.M. Mountain Standard Time
Subj: My Mini 14

The Mini 14 custom rifle arrived last Friday. I apologize for not contacting you sooner. I am very pleased with the work you guys did. I have yet to get the scope accurately set up and take it out to shoot. I have been putting in extra hours at work, so once I get a free weekend I'll take it to the range. I just need to get a couple of cans of the brake cleaner needed in the break in process. Thanks again for the good work. Bruce
Subj: Re: Mini-30 Gas block question/concern.

Thank you for the reply. I completely understand your explanation. Makes sense to me! I can't say enough about your products. I work in a manufacturing plant for surveying equipment and we h e 9 cnc booths- your quality is top no h and well made. My 582 mini-30 now shoots sub MOA.
Keep up the good work!

Thank you.

David Weaver
Below is a letter from the California Department of Forestry & Fire Protection letter from the California Department of Forestry & Fire Protection
In a message dated 2/7/2017 12:02:22 P.M. Mountain Standard Time, writes: Hello,

I have ordered and installed your "Adjustable .625" Barrel diameter for 18.5" Long barrels. NKL .625" adjustable gas block and barrel brace for my mini-30. be covered with a quarter. Yes, I'm happy, Thanks
Jim Geyer    bsp; /p>

Thank you for the help.
Sent: Tuesday, February 7, 2017 12:14:49 PM
Subject: Re: Mini-30 Gas block question/concern.

Hello, This area is under extremely high pressure. It will bleed off around the screw which can be wiped off after shooting your rifle. The thread tolerance is correct because that is a high carbon area, If it was any tighter the screw would seize up over time from carbon build up. The way it is designed allows it to clean it self. I hope this explains you area of concern adequately. Thank you, Carl Emmite President of Accuracy Systems, Inc.

Sent: 2/7/2017 8:28:18 P.M. Mountain Standard Time
Subj: Re: Mini-30 Gas block question/concern.

Thank you for the reply. I completely understand your explanation. Makes sense to me! I can't say enough about your products. I work in a manufacturing plant for surveying equipment and we have 9 cnc booths- your quality is top notch and well made. My 582 mini-30 now shoots sub MOA.
Keep up the good work!
2/7/2017 8:57:32 A.M. Mountain Standard Time
Subj: Re: Accuracy Systems Inc. Trigger Job

Thanks, Carl. The trigger turned out GREAT! With the strut it sure makes the Mini 14 a great little rifle. All the Best, Ted

2/6/2017 9:40:22 A.M. Mountain Standard Time
Subj: Re: ASI Custom Mini 14 with the UMSS 24" x .850" Varmint barrel

I finally got a scope on it ( Mueller 8-32x44 Side Focus MIL DOT), and did some shooting at the Van Wert gun club this morning before the wind picked up. I was shooting Hornady Varmint express 55 grain Vmax at 200 yards off a bench with front rest. Best 5 shot group can be covered with a quarter. Yes, I'm happy, Thanks
Jim Geyer 

ASI Custom Mini 14 with the UMSS 24 ASI Custom Mini 14 with the UMSS 24


Generation 4 Adjustable gas block.

I just wanted to follow up on the purchase of your G4-625NKL gas block order #1169. I recently purchased a new Ruger 5458 Mini-30. and installed your gas block on it. I also installed it on a butler creek folding stock with an AIM scope on the rail that comes with the rifle. Lastly I put a buffer pad on the charging handle/slide group. I set up the gas block as you described in your instructions. I was shooting brass cased ammo. At first all I could get was FTE. I noticed impact marks on the scope ring and moved the rings forward a notch. It still had a hard time extracting. I found marks on the bottom of the slide. It turns out I had an obstruction in the fore-grip of the stock. Once I got all my problems sorted out it was amazing. You could adjust it down so it would drop the brass right at your feet. Or you could close it off and make it almost a manual bolt action. Unless you want to throw hot brass in your buddies boot, I can't see why you would set it to maximum flow. The adjustment knob was close but moved freely. The tight fit against the barrel should help protect it. Over all I think this is a good deal for any Mini 14-30 shooter. With the quality and functionality of this product, I'd say you weren't asking enough for it.
Thank you,
Michael Harker
1/30/2017 9:36:11 A.M. Mountain Standard Time
Subj: Mini 14

I just wanted to thank you. My Mini 14 is back 100% shooting sub MOA really a fun gun . Thanks again. Dave Gandy
1/23/2017 1:40:12 P.M. Mountain Standard Time
Subj: Advanced trigger job


First, I would like to thank you for the work that you performed on my Mini 14 Tactical last year. I finally got a chance to take it to the range today and am very happy with all of the improvements. Now my Mini is a keeper!

In the meantime, I have acquired another (used) Mini 14 and I would like to send in the trigger assembly for an advanced trigger job. I would just like to confirm that I can send it to you now. I understand the price is $113.99 + shipping, insurance, etc. I can pay on my credit card when the work is complete and you call?

Please just confirm I have it right, I get it in the mail to you! Thanks again for the great job on my Mini Tactical.

Accuracy Systems Inc. reply - YES

Ed VanderMeulen
Morrison, Illinois
1/23/2017 8:41:11 A.M. Mountain Standard Time
Subj: Re: Tracking Number/Brad Holmes

Received rifle in perfect condition. Shot rifle this weekend and am very, very happy with the upgrades. It is smoother, less recoil and more accurate. I can hit an 8" target at 130 yards with only iron sights now: before I had to use a scope. I can't thank you guys enough ! My mini 14 is my favorite gun once again. Excellent work !! Will refer all my other shooting friends to you for custom gunsmithing.

Brad Holmes, CBO
Senior Plans Examiner
City of Creve Coeur
1/11/2017 4:55:58 P.M. Mountain Standard Time
Subj: Re: Invoice 1001820 from Accuracy Systems, Inc.

Very pleased with the Mini 14/6.8 rifle nice work. Did a quick sight in off a picnic table with a jacket and was shocked at the sub 1/2 moa after just a few rounds. Very pleased. Thank you again for your work!! Jim King Customer Vere happy with Accuracy Systems work on his Mini 14
1/8/2017 7:40:43 P.M. Mountain Standard Time
Subj: Mini-14 trigger job testimonial

Hello Carl:

I just want to say the trigger job you recently performed on my Mini-14 was great. Creep and grittiness are gone, a light pull, bang, and a real short reset. What's not to like? I got the trigger back last Friday and got to the range the next day. A very satisfied customer.

Bill S...Pompano Beach, FL.
1/4/2017 12:34:51 P.M. Mountain Standard Time
Subj: Love the product!

Hello my name is Jonah wilcott I purchased one of your HBSII adjustable gas block strut combos for my ruger mini14 and it has tightened my groups up ALOT! I am very happy with it.



Tuesday, March 25, 03:45:55 PM Mountain Time

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