Suppressed 243 WSSM Vapor trails & 400m Practical Shooting
Mini 14 300yds on steel plate
The custom Mini-14 Ruger again
Ruger Mini-14 Ranch Rifle Accuracy Upgrade
The Mini 14 trigger assembly arrived today! Replaced in the receiver and am very pleased.The set "click" is tactile and audible; the break is crisp and noticeably lighter. I'm going to the range tomorrow to try it out. If you're ever in Alabama, you owe it to yourself to try out our new electronic range. CMP is going to give Camp Perry a run for its money.
Merry Christmas!
Hi Carl,
I got the break in done quickly and smoothly using your JB Bore Paste process. I was amazed how the rifles were both Tack Drivers out of the box, as you promised, but more importantly, they kept getting better as the break in continued. In each, I ran the first 3 rounds, then with a KROIL and JB BORE PASTE saturated Hoppes Boresnake, pulled each through 3 times, then used a dry, clean boresnake 2 times. Then went right back and shot again. After the first 9 rounds, I pushed to 5 rounds between cleanings, using the same process. Around 70 rounds each, I considered the break in complete and then used about 10 shots each to foul the barrels and stabilize them.Both uppers are incredible, the best, most accurate rifles I have ever owned, and what shocked me was the 308 is actually outperforming the 6.5CM by a small amount at 100 and 200 yards. Both are sub 1/2 MOA, with groups more typically closer to 1/4 MOA.
I have not gotten to the 1000 yard range yet, but that will come this coming Friday. I imagine if there is some wind, the 6.5CM will start to show its prowess, but regardless, THANK YOU ASI for amazing rifles at a very reasonable price! You folks ROCK!Sincerely Yours,
Chris CarusoHenderson, Nevada

I installed your Barrel Stabilizer 2 with adjustable gas block, and my groups went from 4” down to 1”. I was going to send my rifle in for a complete work-up with you, but I’m not sure how much more a new barrel and bedding will do. My next step is to send my trigger group in to you for some of your magic! Thanks for such a great product. On another note, is it normal for gas to vent out of the adjustment screw? I notice that after shooting I need to clean the carbon black off my barrel around the screw area.
Thanks! les@lesfong.comThanks for all the work you put in my Mini 14 gun. Really is an awesome gun now. Turning a lot of heads hear in NY. Kenneth Fellows
Spec's: Ultra Match 416 Stainless Steel, .223Rem., 1 x 9 twist, 24”x 1”, Brushed Stainless Barrel finish, 3.5# trigger, 1” gas block & parts kit, machine work and fitting, 11 degree target crown, Modify or replace Hand guard, Fitting or your stock, Machining of Operating rod or replacement, 3 point steel bedding, Sub-MOA accuracy guarantee @ 100 yards three shot group with selected factory ammo. Does not include cold shot.Hi Carl
Rifles arrived in perfect condition yesterday. Mounted bipods and scopes. Hit the range this morning.Very windy but got both uppers zeroed quickly. Performed the first break in cleaning. Then three more shots. Another cleaning. Then 4-shots to see groupings. Then another cleaning.
The first photo is the 308. Second photo is the Creedmoor.
Not bad for me not being used to the rifles or scopes, plus the 20+mph blustery wind. Rifle was actually shaking in my hands on the bench!So far so good. Hoping to clean up my Creedmoor results as break in continued and I get used to the hardware.
Thank you again!

Accuracy Systems, Inc. Ultra Match 223/5.56 barrel package.
Mini 14, MINI200 Open sights, 75yds, Freedom Munitions .223 55gr FMJ
This paranoid person does not want their name shown on the web site.It took a while, but I have gotten some time to put rounds down range on the Mini-14 build you did for me earlier this year. I can't express how happy I am with the rifle now. Initially I had reservations of putting that much money into a ranch rifle. Now it's one of the most accurate rifles I own and most definitely, worth every penny.
-Clifton Breay cliftonbreay@wispertel.netI installed the Harmonic Barrel Stabilizer Strut, Shock Buffer and Replacement Guide Spring. Very pleased and impressed, tremendous recoil reduction and kept the expended brass (steel) within a couple arm lengths of the rifle. Previous pattern at 100 yards was all over an 8" target with a few rounds off the target. Now at 100 yards with Russian "hunting" ammunition the pattern is about 3 inches with an occasional flyer. Will get some better ammunition next time out. Thanks, I appreciate any suggestions.
God Bless,Herb Seegers
I received my AR15 223Rem. upper today and I am absolutely thrilled. Your work is extremely impressive. Got all the guys here in the gun shop drooling over it. Can't wait to start my break-in procedure and get her dialed in. Will let you know how that goes.
Thank you,Dylan Medrano
Carl - got the muzzle brake back. Look great and fits perfect!! Looks like it was re-blued too. Thanks for all your help. Top notch quality, fantastic service.
Kevin -
Hi Carl,
The Remington 700 rifle is exactly what I wanted. Exactly what I pictured! Very good job - it looks perfect!
Steve Ayres

Carl - Your old buddy from New York Pete McGough here ! The attached picture was taken last Thursday 10/1 . I shot this group from a 100 yards using Hornandy american rifleman ammo - .223 / 55 grain. It was my last 3 shots of the day. The rifle is shooting 1 moa or less with what I would call good not great ammo. This group is from the first Mini 14 you built for me, not the one you shipped last week.
Hope all is well with youyour friend
I called yesterday about a problem with the trigger on my Rem 700. After looking at the trigger I just decided to replace it. Went out today and it functioned flawlessly with the new trigger
Below 5 shot group. Would have been better but I pulled the last shot high. Still pretty impressed. Factory Hornady 165gr 300 win mag. Bench w/bipod. Thanks for a great rifle
Chet Fryjoff fryjoff@comcast.netHi Carl,
I wanted to let you know that I am very happy with the Mini 14. I can't believe how well it shoots. How can I post a testimonial?
Tom Cook
UMSS .223Wylde., 1x9 twist, 18.5”x .750”, Brushed finish, 3.5#trigger, .750” gas block & parts kit, 11 degree target crown, ReworkHand guard, 3 point steel bedding, Sub 1.5-MOA accuracyguarantee @ 100 yards three shot group with selected factory ammo.Accuracy Systems Inc.
My name is Steve Coppinger. I am a previous customer and have thoroughly enjoyed the custom AR 10 barrel your company made for me a couple of years ago as well as a follow on purchase of your adjustable spanner wrench for your linear quiet brakes.
Attached is an order form for the purchase of a linear quiet brake for a current rifle build I am doing.
Steve Coppinger scvmc7@yahoo.comCarl,
The Mini 14 rifle got here yesterday safe and sound. It is beautiful! Having the scope bore sighted and waiting on the JB Bore cleaner and bore snakes to arrive to begin the break in as described in your instructions. I cant wait to shoot it.Thank You!
Very pleased with gas bushings received!My 581 series Mini 14 had stiff recoil and was literally slinging brass 20 yards in no discernible pattern, often damaging the case. Not good for a reloader, like myself.
I removed factory gas bushing yesterday (.265" length) and using calipers, measured depth on both barrel and gas block and discovered factory bushing was significantly shorter than depths drilled by factory (below barrel and in gas block), causing me to suspect that I was getting a lot of gas blow "around" the factory bushing. Swapped out for your slightly longer .045 bushing and installed with no modification/reduction in your bushing length. I went to range this AM.Huge difference in felt recoil and ejection. I could actually recover brass! PMC 55 gr was a pussycat, hand load 55 and 75 grain recoil was increased but very manageable, much improved from before bushing swap. Ejection distance was load dependent and ranged 7-13', again, much improved with no one at far end of outdoor range having to dodge flying brass. All rounds were fired from a factory 20 round magazine. I'd highly recommend your product and will look to you again for any Mini 14 needs.
Best regards,David Boone
Bob Reinke 9/5/15
Received the 6.5 grendel 700 rifle.. Wow!! It is awesome. Cant thank you enough.. As soon as I get to the range I'll send you the chronograph info on the AR vs the bolt muzzle vel. I'll include all load data also. Thank you again for a very nice rifle.. My daughter loves it..
Carl I have been shooting my new 204 AR Rifle and I gotta tell you I couldn't be happier with the way it shoots. I need to know how often do I need to remove my quiet brake for cleaning or can it be done while it is on the barrel thanks again phil
Forget about trying to compare the stock Mini 14 trigger with your advanced, adjusted trigger job. I’m amazed and now love shooting this rifle again!
Thanks so much for the prompt and perfect work!
All the best, Kurt kurt@puritancapital.comHi, this is our Remington 7400 30-06, it has your ½ rail forearm and the new ATI butt stock with pad. Scope is mounted with 10 rd. mag. It looks great and shoots great. Hog hunting in Texas this week end. Thank you for your help
Bill Clanahan
I just wanted to let you know, that I am very happy with the trigger and I believe Jeff is as well. Nice job.
Thanks Ralph ralph.c.singleton@gmail.comHi Carl, Mini-14 trigger job
Got the package back today. That was faster than I expected. Better yet, the trigger is smooth and sweet. Can't wait to get out for some range time when the temperature drops below 100. I'll be sure to tell my range and hunting buddies about your good work too! Just curious what lube you use on the parts?
Thank you for the great work and quick turnaround.
Best regards,

Frontsite Firearms is closed on Mondays so I picked up the rifle today. I shot 120 rounds through it. Most four shot groups were less than 1 inch. The picture is my best 4 shot group! I never thought I would be able to shoot a one hole 4 shot group with a simi-auto rifle. The 3# single stage trigger is awesome & the Maxi Brake lets me watch the rounds hit the target. Once again you have exceeded my expectations!
What does a guy have to do to get a rifle that will shoot? This was shot in an indoor range with PMC Bronze 55 grain FMJ-BT ammo. With really good quality ammo there is no telling what this thing can do. Later this month I will run it out to 500 yards outdoors and see what it can really do.
Thanks again for a great shooting rifle!
Jerry Clayton (Webmaster)Hi and thank you for making such amazing products! I have one of your uppers in 25 wssm and although it is by far the most amazing rifles I have ever owned in terms of accuracy and the perfect combination of power for my needs I am having difficulty keeping ammunition available for it. I reload but my cases are just about pushed to their limit and I have been waiting on back order lists for over a year for anything from brass to ammo. I have just enough on hand to make it through this upcoming hunting season. I have been researching and have settled on 6.5 G as a replacement...or possibly 6.8 SPC II. Are either of these caliber available in an upper from you?
Thanks again for making such amazing
Thanks for a great Mini 14 trigger job. It is as smooth as silk and breaks just the way I like it. I put in a snap cap and played with it to get the feel. I am looking forward to burning a few rounds to see if it improves my ability to keep the sights on target. Thanks again,
Gary Grace.
I received my Mini 14 Trigger from you this AM. It looks much better than it did...I can't wait to try it after work.
I appreciate the phone call the other day too.Expect some more orders from me.
Thanks,Doc Wells
Dear Carl I received my trigger assembly back today. It's not sighted in yet but I had five rounds to waste so I gave it a whirl. Boy, what a different gun. If a person has a mini 14 this is something they need to do. The safety was a little stiff but I'm sure it will loosen up. Well worth the service!
Thanks again and God bless,Duke
Sturm Ruger Mini-14 Ranch Rifle 187 series, Accuracy Systems' Adjustable Gas Block with integrated Barrel Stabilizer, Accuracy Systems' M-1 Carbine style rear sight, all mounted in ATI Strikeforce 6 pistol grip folding stock, 55gr fmjbt, NATO spec rounds, several brands, including steel case ammo.
Had to "shave" front sight to zero at one hundred yards with rear sight aperture at bottom of ramp.Draw one quarter inch circle for center then draw several more overlapping the center circle. That tight of grouping at one hundred yards.
Believe me when I say I'm no Daniel Boone, David Crockett or Alvin York.To summarize in my best Neanderthal-eze
ME LIKE!!!!!!!!!Vance Rushing
Hey Carl I just wanted to let you know that the AR10 sniper rifle you built for us is great, the sniper unit commander just called me to advise that they fire three rounds but only get one hole in the target. This says a lot for your workmanship. Thank you for your hard work. This rifle will save someone’s life some day and you are now a part of the team.
KERRY REDGATEI got my take em out two 300 win mag from you and I was wondering if you have or if you could direct me to a mono pod that I could put in the bottom of the pistol grip of my rifle. I am currently using a tapered sand bag to support the butt as the third point but it is a pain. If you could let me know I would really appreciate it. By the way the rifle is really awesome, I went out to twelve hundred yards for the first time and shot a 6.75 inch group and a 4.5 inch group. Very SWEET.
Bill Poch
Bill's rifle is similar to the rifle below plus any changes Bill wanted to the base configuration.
I just keep being amazed by what my rifle can do. I changed scopes and rings recently so this is what it looks like now. The target is the rest of the story. I didn’t measure it but you can see it is awesome for 400 yards.
Jerry Clayton (Webmaster for Accuracy Systems Inc.)

Dave Kobus
Kensington, CT 06037
I installed your Stabilizer II on Saturday when it arrived, everything went beautifully. The quality of your machine work is just beautiful; it is refreshing in this day and age. The Chinese could learn a thing or two from you J
Thanks again…
I want to thank you for the work of art and skilled labor you built for me. I received my Mini 14 rifle yesterday and I am beyond impressed with the rifle and I haven't even fired it yet. I plan to do the break in process as soon as possible to your specifications. I ordered exactly what you instructed and thanks for the tips about break cleaner vs. gun gunscrubber. I just want to let you and your staff know that you all have made me very happy and I will certainly will be doing business with you guys again. Thanks so much Carl, words cannot even describe how excited I am and pleased with the rifle and the service you guys provide. You truly did more than build a rifle you made a dream come true.
Best regards,Ethan J. Usherwood

Took the Mini 30 out this weekend and followed the barrel break in procedure, sighted it in then used it to take care of some hogs. Actually, my 12 year old made daughter made the shot, I just posed for the picture with the rifle. LolTake care
Good morning Carl. I wanted to thank you and your crew for the super job you did on my Mini 14. I went coyote hunting last Friday morning. Got one at 342 yards, running straight away, uphill,daylight, sun not up yet! Then two minutes later another one at 201 yards! Two shots, two coyotes down! Used same ammo as you . Thanks again, the build job from Accuracy Systems was worth every penny, and the wait! Walt Riddell
On Monday, March 23, 2015 8:11 AM, "" wrote:This test target is to verify the accuracy of your rifle @ 100 yards with factory selected ammo three shot group. *Does not include cold shot.
3/06/2015SN- 582-71XXX
Wind: 0 MPH Calm
Temperature 60 F
Group Size = .442”
Ammo Used – Hornady 55gr. V-Max
I received my Ruger Mini 30 gen 4 adjustable gas block and am incredibly happy. I got so many compliments at the range today testing it out. It functions perfectly.Thank you Carl.
Respectfully,Ryan Kincaid
Thanks guys I love it.Mini 14 trigger job. My friend is a little jealous so you'll probably be seeing his soon Tony price Winchester ky

A couple of years ago I had Accuracy Systems build me a 243 wssm upper with a 24" Krieger barrel. I have owned pervious wssm uppers from Carl's competitors. The first thing I noticed about the upper from Accuracy Systems is how well the machining work was done. I happen to be very picky about my firearms, I own my own Hawkeye Bore scope. I inspected the chamber to see how square it was to the bore, how clean the gas port hole was drilled, and how clean the muzzle crown was cut. All look great, something I can not say about Carl's competitors. The other thing that stood out about Accuracy Systems was the customer service. There were times when I would email Carl about something and instead of emailing me back, Carl took the time to call me. I have attached two 3 shot targets shot from 100 yds. using 58 grain V-max bullets. If you're thinking about having Accuracy Systems build you a rifle or an upper, I would recommend you give them a try. Carl stands behind his products and as far as I'm concerned if you are thinking about a wssm upper, don't bother with the other guys, call Carl.
Hey Carl! Received my Mini 14 back today. Shot about 20 rounds through it! It's unbelievable man. Great work and thanks again!
jakehrabal@sbcglobal.netTom Frazier

You worked on my Mini 14 rifle last year and I finally finished the breakin procedure, although it was labors and time consuming I followed to the letter. Here is a picture of my last trip to the range. I was shooting 62 grain green tip lake city surplus ammo on a mild 56 degree day mild wind. I had shot about 75 rounds when I shot this at 100yds.
Very happy with the performance as well as 4 other guys who asked to shoot my rifle. They in turn asked where I had my work done. Of course I plugged you guys with a huge grin.
Thank you for the work.
Gary Flores
Modesto, Ca
Hi Carl,
Just a note to thank you and the people that worked on my great rifle. You all did a very good job. I am very happy with the results!!
Thanks again,
Bill Poch
I received my mini 30 yesterday and was very impressed with your work. The rifle looks amazing! I was surprised how balanced it feels, even with the heavy barrel... which really doesn't feel heavy at all. I can't wait to take it out on the range and start putting rounds through it.Thanks
Hi Carl
Got to the range to shoot the 700 Rem you built for me in .270 Win. It sure attracted a lot attention with the big Nightforce on it. I was able to get less than 1" groups even with trying to adjust the stock and scope to fit me. Thanks for such a great job on my rifle, it was well worth the wait.
Thank you for a great product! My AC556 was leaving empty brass in the chamber about once per mag with the stock gas bushing. I worked my way down to your .045 bushing and I now have flawless reliability!
thatch01@cox.netHappy 2015 Carl.
I received the Mini 14 rifle and wanted to thank you for your quality workmanship.Best,
Michael Sams
Hello ASI:
A few years ago you did a major overhaul on my ranch rifle and really turned it into an awesome firearm (very satisfied customer). I have been cleaning the barrel with bore snakes up to now, but I would like to take it down for a more thorough cleaning. Do I have to loosen the gas block allen screws in order to get the stock to separate from the action/barrel? You installed a 1" ss barrel on this particular rifle.If you have any tips to aid in this process, they would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks, Jim L. Brown captjimlbrown@hotmail.comResponse to email question:
4) Pin Bedding. With your rifle pointed away from you, looking down at the top of the receiver you will notice the following A) On the left side of the receiver there is a 4-40 hex head screw approximately 1” behind the bolt stop button. This screw goes through your receiver and about ½” into your steel bedding insert which is epoxyed into your stock. B) On the right side of the receiver at the very back of the slide track you will see another 4-40 hex head screw. This screw goes through the receiver slide track and into the steel bedding insert in the stock. Note: These screws must be removed when disassembling your rifle. There is also a steel stud underneath the front right side of the receiver that is hidden by the slide. This must not be removed. It is a centering stud only so the front of the receiver doesn’t shift around. When you go to reinstall the rear two make SURE not to over tighten them because they can break off in the stock! (If this happens we will charge you to replace the insert in the stock $35.00 plus return S/H of $20.00) The correct amount of pressure to tighten is snug then ¼ turn further and that’s it. DO NOT use any loctite! If your screws are not staying in then degrease them and the steel inserts with alcohol then reinstall the screws. Sequence of removal and reassembly. Take Trigger group out 1st, Then remove short screw on right side of receiver 2nd, Then remove the Long screw on the left side of the receiver 3rd. Reverse the sequence when you reassemble the rifle.