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Accuracy Systems' location is not a retail/store front. It is a machine shop with dangerous machines running. For your safety we do not accept walk-ins. PLEASE CALL FOR AN APPOINTMENT IF YOU ARE GOING TO VISIT. THANKS.


Beginning on April 1, 2025, Colorado HB24-1349 requires a 6.5% excise tax on the sales of firearms and ammunition from the retail sale of any firearm, firearm precursor part, or ammunition in Colorado, in addition to sales tax. APPLICABLE TO COLORADO RESIDENTS ONLY

Testimonials 2013

Here are a few YouTube videos of Accuracy Systems Inc. Conversion Rifles filmed by owners.

Suppressed 243 WSSM Vapor trails & 400m Practical Shooting
Mini 14 300yds on steel plate
The custom Mini-14 Ruger again
Ruger Mini-14 Ranch Rifle Accuracy Upgrade

Here are just a few of the many positive responses we receive on a weekly basis.

Dear Sirs:

Purchased your trigger group enhancement package and just wanted you to know that I really like it ... It's "Sweeeeet"!!! This alteration made my mini 14 one heck of a target rifle and so much easier to get half dollar groups at 100 yards. Thank You again!!!

Steve Theiss

Just wanted to say "Thank You" for the set screws you shipped for the trigger Enhancement I purchased on invoice #12-22XXX. I have installed it on my Mini-14, but have yet to try it out at the range. One nice feature, that I did not expect from the product, is if you attach it to the trigger at the proper angle, it will act as a trigger stop. I was considering a trigger stop (which required drilling and tapping) but with the trigger enhancement, I don't need to do that work. Very nice, indeed.

Thank you again for sending the missing set-screws. I look forward to the next time I order product from you.

Best regards,
John Mastrolia
Thanks, great trigger work, more questions

ASI,     Great trigger job on my mini. Wow what a difference. I also installed shock buffers and extra power guide spring. The rifle shoots nice and smooth, and accuracy has improved noticeably.

I plan on sending the gun in for a harmonic barrel stabilizer and stock bedding in a few months.

Thanks for any information/guidance you can provide.

Ron Cousineau
Received the black and gray Laminate stock for my new Mini 30, Looks great, fits great, just what I wanted. Great job, thanks, Joe Neff &&Lexington, Ky.
Mini 14 Rifle you customized Came in yesterday.



Hello Carl,

Thank you, I'll be bragging about this rifle. A really good shooter would light this rifle up, I'll keep practicing!

I am very impressed with the performance of my Mini 14 after the trigger work, bedding and adjustable gas block with stabilizer were installed. Finally got to the range, fired 80 rounds. The trigger is great, nice crisp break, everything is solid! Indoor range max is 25 yards, got scope closer to "0", groups have shrunk from 3-4" at 25 yards down to 1" or less at my best, and I'm no marksman! I'm really going to have some fun with this, thanks to the work your group did. I appreciate it!

Thanks again,

Jim trujillo

Mini 14 after the trigger work, bedding and adjustable gas block with stabilizer were installed shown WITH SLING SWIVEL ATTACHED, no filing or alteration was necessary to install swivel. Mini 14 after the trigger work, bedding and adjustable gas block with stabilizer were installed


The Ultimate Prairie 4 - 700 in .270Win preformed as expected in the field. I had a great hunting trip in Wyoming with Rocky Niles of Rocky Outfitters. Rocky helped me stalk within 290 yards of a good buck. One shot one dead antelope.

Jerry Clayton
At the range
quatert inch MOA .270 win Ultimate Prairie 4 order B4 half inch MOA .270 win Ultimate Prairie 4 order B4
In the field
antelopt taken at 290 yrds with custome Remington 700 in 270 Winchester

Carl, muzzlebrake received....

This looks f^%$#n AWESOME! Fits like a glove. Can't wait to get to the range this weekend to test it out.

Thanks for the quick turn-around!

A very satisfied customer. Your new friend in CT.......

On 10/28/2013 8:59 PM, John wrote:

My apologies for my kids distracting me on our call..... I think the solution you came up with will work to confirm ( no need to call )...

You are going to take the 32 Port Maxi brake shown below (but a lower profile), make it black, and prep it for my Mini -14, threaded at 9/16 x 24 and then ship to me. For installation, I will thread on to barrel and use loc-tite to set in place. If for some reason this does not hold up, I will have to have a set screw installed at some point.

Thank you for you time and I look forward to doing more business with you in the future. You have some great products on your site!

Hello Carl,
I installed my new brake on my rifle and it fits great. Took it out and shot it today and I love it. Shooting my 300 win mag has never been so nice. Shoot a 180gr bullet at 3000ft/s and the recoil felt like I was shooting a 243.
Thanks for all the help.
brad 360 degree maxi muzzle brake

Email Discussion About The Barrel Stabilzer II

In a message dated 10/21/2013 9:16:00 A.M. Mountain Daylight Time, writes:
Hello, I don't mean to come across as an idiot, but what makes your strut for mini 14/30 so much better than say accu-strut, mo-rod, and zrts? What makes it worth the extra cost?

On Monday, October 21, 2013, wrote:
Hello, 1) Because you are getting both in one. Example You buy the Accu Strut $149.99 and our adjustable gas block for $119.99 together they are $269.99. You buy our comb $229.99 you save $40.00. 2) Their's has two baby set screws to attach it to the gas block which is ok if that is the only way to mount it. However there is a big difference in the rigidity when it comes to ours that screws right into the gas block with 1/4" X 20 TPI threads which is not a after thought like theirs. Ours is a stronger more ridged fit. 3) Ours looks hands down simpler and cleaner. Now if you do not want the adjustable gas block then of course you would need to buy theirs. But we sell a lot of gas blocks for the person which already bought the strut which we were told (I sure whish i knew you were making the combo I would have bought yours) A man does yours look nice.
Sent: 10/22/2013 1:14:22 P.M. Mountain Daylight Time
Subj: Re: (no subject)

Hello Again, Please see red comment's. In a message dated 10/22/2013 6:01:10 A.M. Mountain Daylight Time, writes:
Thanks for the response. I do agree with you, and plan on purchasing one too. I do not like how the other brands need 2 clamps, and aren't as rigid. I do however have another question. I have a ruger mini thirty serial number starting with 189. Will your gas block and strut fit that? Yes order .625" Also how do I order one with the flush adjustment screw instead of the nob? When you order let us know. However I like the adjustment knob better myself and it does not interfere with your sling as you may think. We designed it not to.
Thanks again

In a message dated 10/17/2013 10:04:21 A.M. Mountain Daylight Time, writes:

Hi Carl,
Hope all is well on your end. I am chomping at the bit to put this on my mini. Do you have any idea when it will ship ? You sent me a pic on Oct 3 on how it will look. AT that time you expected to be ready to ship in two weeks, just following up.
Thanks Carl, have a great day ! wrote:

Will go out tomorrow. Thank you for your patients Jeff. Carl
Sent: 10/17/2013 11:20:39 A.M. Mountain Daylight Time
Subj: Re: jeff chapman adj gas blk

Thanks for the quick response. I spoke with the gentleman working on the project. He was VERY courteous and professional. If the rest of your employees are anything like him, you are in GREAT company. May your business thrive as I will be doing more business with you while I spread the word at my gun club. Have a great day !
Jeff Chapman

Rigles look great cannot wait to shoot them
Dear Sir,

     On or about 12-20-12, you installed a recoil reducing 3 Port Maxi muzzle break. You claimed that it would make a Remington 270 Win., kick like a 223. This was not an idle boast!!

Steve Howard
Hi Carl, finally got to shoot my Ruger Mini 30 rifle. First I must say it looks amazing, mounted a nice Nikon scope and it feels great in my hands. Is well worth the wait, with steel cased wolf ammo it would not cycle and I got a jam. Next I shot federal m193 62gr brass ammo and it shot flawless. Hard to shoot when your heart is pounding with excitement but I managed a tight group, few more trips to get zero right and I will send in a target. Thank you for spending the time to keep me up to speed on the progress, it means a lot to me to get great customer service. I am proud to tell my friends were I got the work done. Keep up the good work.
Rigles look great cannot wait to shoot them
shot group that the AR10 upper @ 200 yards, off a single bag bench using Remington 300 saum in 180gr core-lokt ultra bonded PSP

I am send a picture of the shot group that the AR10 upper you built for me. The target was @ 200 yards, off a single bag bench. I was using Remington 300 saum in 180gr core-lokt ultra bonded PSP. I know it's not on target yet but I was impressed with the group. Three shots! Yep three! I put a new scope and trigger group in today so it took me a box to get to here. Thanks again! Cody Knight

Upper Receiver - UMSS 300WSM DPMS Compatible, 1 x 12 twist, 20" x .750", brushed stainless barrel finish, 11 Degree target crown, A3 Flat top, Black with *No forward assist & Ejection Port door, Phosphate bolt & carrier Group, Charging Handel, Round Aluminum Free float tube, Sub - MOA accuracy guarantee @ 100 yards 3 shot group with factory selected ammo.

Carl, Thanks for the upper. Its awesome! Every time I take it to the range people ask me what it is and where I got it. I've told everyone that has asked that you are only one that makes it.

I have a question for you though. There is some type of grease on the lugs of the bolt. You told me once before what was on it but I can't seem to remember. Obviously, you put that on there for a reason. I'd like to relube it but I have no idea whats on it. Can you tell me what you put on it? I think its bearing grease but not sure. Thanks ! Alex Wilson


I have finished the break-in. I went to the range with my son to finish the break-in on his .308 and shot really good groups with my .270 win. If anyone wants to know, Accuracy Systems Inc. does what they say they will do. If they say a gun will shoot ½ groups at 100 yards with factory ammo, the rifle will if you can. The rifle below is the gun Acuracy Systems built for me and also built one in .308 win for my son. The target below the gun shows a ¼ and a ½ group. the ¼ was Hornady Whitetail 130 gr. & the ½ was Federal 130 gr.

Jerry Clayton - Accuracy Systems Inc. Webmaster

Got it!

Opening your package this afternoon was a great experience and the rifle looks great! The magazine was in the rifle, Thank You very much! I am looking forward to getting the supplies to clean the rifle and getting it out to the range. The test fire group was a nice one. I was curious as to what bullet style and weight you used in the test firing. UMCM 300Black Out., 1x7 twist, 16.5"x .750", brushed finish, 3.5# trigger, .750" gas block & parts kit, 11 degree target crown, Hand guard, 3 point steel bedding, 1.5-MOA accuracy guarantee @ 100 yards three shot group with selected factory ammo.

Thanks again for all your help.
UMCM 300 Black Out., 1x7 twist, 16.5x .750, brushed finish, 3.5# trigger, .750 gas block & parts kit, 11 degree target crown, Hand guard, 3 point steel bedding, 1.5-MOA accuracy guarantee @ 100 yards three shot group with selected factory ammo.
Hi Carl, I am attaching a copy of an earlier e-mail received from you regarding work you performed on my Ruger Mini-30.

I want to tell you that I am very appreciative of the work you performed on this Mini-30 rifle. You converted it from a wildly spraying rifle to a fine, on-target rifle. This is now one of my favorites for target shooting.

I am almost through the barrel break in process (I would estimate about 250 rounds so far), and am completely satisfied. You turned a Turkey into an Eagle. I can't wait for the break in to be completed and to take it with me deer hunting.

Thanks, Jon

You asked for my results and opinion on the Mini 14 300 Blackout so here it is.

   The quality of the workmanship is great, you do good work. Thank you, Larry Crusenberry.
30-06 7600 Remington Shooting three-quarter inch groups at 200 yards.
I finally got the scope dialed in. Shooting three-quarter inch groups at 200 yards. Thank you for the great work I really appreciate it. The trigger work was excellent. I'm really enjoying this Rifle thank you again.
Carl Harris

Carl. Here is the beautiful rifle you made for me.

First load development shots after break in. The numbers are grains of RL-22. Bullet is a 200gr SMK moly coated my me.
brass was fully prepped, flash hole, primer pocket and neck turned.
Redding precision bushing dies set at .020 jump. Each is 4 shots around 2900-2950 fps. If I had not pulled one each on the last two strings I would have had a nice raged hole and then an even tighter raged hole.

Fired at 100 yds. from the worst rests I have because my good stuff would not hold the stock as they are all designed for br guns. Scope is a Night Force variable 42x with mil dots.

The chamber reamer was optimized for the 220 gr SMK so expect even better things to come. Thanks.

Mike. Michael L. Casmey
Lieutenant Colonel (RET)
U.S. Army, Aviation.

4 shot group 100 yards 4 shot group 100 yards 4 shot group 100 yards
4 shot group 100 yards
Hello, Received my AR 15 Chambered in 223 Wylde rifle on July 26th, looked great, and shot great! Got to take her out to the range just about every weekend. I have shot 45 rounds down range (Winchester 55 grain).

Thanks, troy Morgan

our - three shot groups in a row. Here is a picture of two of them. Largest group was 0.50 inches. Smallest was 0.33. Two of them at 0.40 inches.

Kevin's rifle, ASI Rem. 700 300WSM
four - three shot groups in a row. Here is a picture of two of them. Largest group was 0.50 inches. Smallest was 0.33. Two of them at 0.40 inches.

Thank you Sir. The Mini 14 shoots much better and looks great with the harmonic barrel stabilizer. Charles Klees
Subj: Love it

I got started breaking it in today.
Mounted the scope, using 25 yd. bench.
Putting bullets in the same hole. "Very Happy."
Would be great if You could post on Your site video of proper field stripping of Mini 14
Thank You.
Don Eckland
attention: Carl, I received the new Gen 4 gas block I ordered over the phone from you and must say I love it. I'm still tinkering with the settings but its nice to be able to turn it into a instant bolt action when the brass snatchers are around the range and leave my reloading brass on my table instead of thirty feet away! Thanks again Steve Tucker
New Mini 14 Barrel from ASI

Hello Carl, I thought I would also include a couple of targets if you're interested. One is about a 2" group with the old Ruger barrel at 50 yards with a scope. This was the absolute best I ever obtained from the old barrel (with a scope). The second is a 1/2 " group at 50 yards with open sights after you changed to your barrel. I am still getting consistent 1" groups at 100 yards ( 4X scope) with brown Bear ammo. I didn't know if you wanted them for the Testimonial page of your website. I have received 2 e-mail inquiries about that testimonial on the subject of whether I would opt for a barrel job or a stabilizer. Can't argue with the results I got so you might have a couple more barrel jobs on the way. Thanks
Paul Williams

Ordered the bushing kit and selected the 045 bushing and installed it. Went to the range yesterday. The rifle functioned flawlessly. brass landed about 10 feet out. I reload so that is a plus. I noticed the reduction in recoil as well. The accurracy improved went from 2" group to less than 1" grouping with a hot barrel.
Thanks for providing this product.
Harold Mercer

I shot the gun this week. Simply unbelievable improvement. Worth every penny. A truly lethal long range plinker now. Highly recommend you guys, that is two weapons you have dramatically improved for me.

Much appreciated.


Very, very nice job on my "new" Mini, thank you!

Thank you, Chuck Freyermuth,

Picked it up today.
Mini 14 trigger work you performed.
What an amazing improvement. Thank you so much!

Excellent job.



The Mini-30 arrived yesterday.

All I can say is....WOW !!! Smiling Face

Now I just need 2,000 rounds of ammo to go with it. Smiling Face Next step is to order the bore snakes and get out to the range to break in the barrel.

Thanks again for your fantastic product. It is already getting compliments.

Very Satisfied!
I got my rifle and all I can say is Wow!
What an awesome trigger-job!
Thanks for the good work. Hopefully I can take it out to the range next week.
Hello Carl, My name is Paul Williams and recently I received my accurized Mini-30. I followed the procedure you advised for the barrel break-in, and all I can say is "Wow"!! With open sights on sand bags from a bench I am getting groups of 1.5 inches at 100 yards and overlapping holes at 50 with Cheap brown Bear ammo. There is no comparison to the rifle I originally sent you. Thank you very much, Paul Williams
Hi .. awhile back you built me a 358win upper
(no not writing to complain works great :-)

the question is do you remember the thread size
and did you weld and pin or can I remove the break.

I've moved to Nevada and I'm looking to add a suppressor
and I hate to cut and re-thread the barrel if I don't need to.

again thanks and I love my A10 in 358win :-) Talon aka Henry Schultz

Carl, received the Remington 750 Free Float Forearm today. WOW NICE ! Tolerance and quality look very good. Seldom do I purchase a product requiring such exacting work sight unseen. I'm looking forward to answering questions at the range. Worth the wait, thanks.

Mini 14 trigger job
Thank you! The modified trigger group you sent is exactly what I hoped you would provide.

Well done!!
Hi Carl,

I received my Mini 14 rifle yesterday and I just wanted to thank you for the outstanding work you did! You truly live up to your reputation as a premier gun smith and your custom workmanship is awe inspiring. I now have a firearm that I'm be proud to keep in my family for generations. Thank you again. I'll call you later this year about another request for similar work on my mini-thirty.

Respectfully, Glen A. Wright
Knoxville, TN 37931

Hi Carl; Mini 14 delivery arrived safely yesterday. Everything looks terrific! Test accuracy results @ 50 yards is impressive. The solid trigger action is amazing! And finally a decent set of iron sights. Amen!

I'm busy ordering the recommended brake-in list of equipment etc. and will be carefully following your outlined procedures. The project was worth every minute of effort and every penny spent!!

Thanks again! Best wishes. Jim Webb.
Mini 14 trigger work

Mr. Emmite,

I have received the trigger group and your workmanship is absolutely perfect, just what I had hoped for.

Thank you,

Roy Allen
Carl and Crew,

I just got my Remington 700 in 7mm Rem Mag that you put an ASI Maxi brake on back on Friday. The workmanship that you guys put into the gun was fantastic! I couldn't find a seam or rough edge in the barrel or brake anywhere, and it was an amazing fit. I was biting at the bit to see how the gun shot with the new brake on it so I took it out to the range on Sunday. All I can say is WOW! The recoil was now as mild or lighter than my 243 Win, and I was easily able to maintain my sight picture downrange with each shot. After firing 40 different test loads through the gun I was able to find two loads that shot under ½ MOA, one of which was only the diameter of the 7mm bullets, ONE HOLE!!! What's more is that I was not even a little bit sore after shooting all 40 rounds. What a difference! Again, thank you for your great work, and you can definitely expect more business from me in the future. Thanks again!!! Joe Kupper
Arthur, Nebraska


Here is a little video clip from shooting the WSSM with GoPro rolling :) Cant wait to drop something with it lol. Click Here to View

243 WSSM upper will shoot sub MOA its no joke Carl,

Just wanted to thank you for building me the best rifle I have in my gun safe! I will be ordering more soon! There are no words I can say to tell people how happy I am with the 243 WSSM upper you made for me other then BUY one!! When you say they will shoot sub MOA its no joke! I out shoot people with bolt guns all the time and they don't understand how I can do it! If you are reading this and thinking about buying a upper from Carl and just now sure about it Please email me and I will tell you myself how good they are!

Here are a few photos of it now that its all done and you can use the photos how ever you would like. (hope I see them on your website) Thanks bryan 243 WSSM upper will shoot sub MOA its no joke

Dear Sir,

Just to let you know that The gas block work great on my mini 14, it's really a cool things!
Thank you, and best wishes.

Nice stuff!

I ordered a set of mini-14 gas block bushings, new screws, and recoil buffers from you on Monday. After I put in the middle .045 it acts like a whole new rifle! The target stays in the scope after firing. brass doesn't get beat to death and is within 10 foot of where I fired, which is a 40 foot improvement.

I am fully satisfied with your products and service, but you probably hear that a lot.

I will pass the word on to every other mini-14 shooter I run into.

I was able to get out and do some shooting with my 6.8mm Ruger this weekend. Everything worked fine. Because of the lengthy break in procedure, I was only able to shoot 24 rounds (8 X 3). I was using a good, but not great, rest and was shooting at 50 yards. I was using the small 1.25 - 4 X 24 trijicon scope. The last 6 rounds made a single ragged hole no more than 1/2" in diameter (Remington OTM). Much better than the 3+" groups that I was getting before at that distance. (Ruger told me that a 2" group at 50 yards was all they promised with that rifle.) Thanks for everything.

John Thompson
Evergreen, CO


Tuesday, March 25, 03:18:27 PM Mountain Time

Accuracy Systems' location is not a retail/store front. It is a machine shop with dangerous machines running. For your safety we do not accept walk-ins. PLEASE CALL FOR AN APPOINTMENT IF YOU ARE GOING TO VISIT. THANKS.

Hours of operation are Monday thru Thursday 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM, Friday 8:00 AM to 12:00 PM Mountain Time Zone
(Closed Saturday & Sunday)

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