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Beginning on April 1, 2025, Colorado HB24-1349 requires a 6.5% excise tax on the sales of firearms and ammunition from the retail sale of any firearm, firearm precursor part, or ammunition in Colorado, in addition to sales tax. APPLICABLE TO COLORADO RESIDENTS ONLY

Testimonials 2012

Here are a few YouTube videos of Accuracy Systems Inc. Conversion Rifles filmed by owners.
Suppressed 243 WSSM Vapor Trails & 400m Practical Shooting
Mini 14 300yds on steel plate
The custom Mini-14 Ruger again
Ruger Mini-14 Ranch Rifle Accuracy Upgrade
Here are just a few of the many positive responses we receive on a weekly basis.

eight point buck taken with ASI AR 10 in .443 WSSM
Hey Carl,

You may or may not remember me but I purchased my barrel from you earlier this year and it was completed and returned to me back in July. Sorry I haven't been able to write this earlier but life is life. (Ruger Mini 14 Rifle Ultra Match Package)

My story, it's a bit long but has a wonderful ending. Here goes:

My barrel:

Chambered .223, 24" stainless, fluted, 1-10 twist, ASI 32 port flush fit break.

I received my completed upper with the test firing sheet and all and was a bit concerned because the bullet used was a 35grn and I specifically knew I was going to be using between 50-62grn because this is my P-Dog riffle and wanted to be able to buck the wind a bit better than a 35grn would.

Spent an entire day at the range breaking it in and had no optics on it so I had no clue where I was hitting and didn't care. Finally got my scope (Burris 4 1/2 - 14 Varmint reticule) and mounted it and it was off to the range to do some test groups with 3 different ammos that I had. 2 of these were from a friend and they were older TAP ammo and one was just normal plinker ammo but I was curious how they would shoot.

First group was a 3 shot group with the plinker ammo... 2" MOA group, just about soiled myself. Didn't even bother putting another round down my barrel with that junk. Cleaned the riffle and it was on to the next... Next group was with old TAP ammo #1 shooting at about 3000 fps... 1.75" MOA. Again, soiled, confused. Next group with different TAP ammo that was a ballistic tip same speed... 1.50 MOA. I have absolutely no clue how I held my composure at this point and didn't have a full nervous breakdown but I didn't.

Took the gun home and verified that he optics weren't on loose or moving in any way, scope was fine. Tested the riffling to verify that the barrel was in fact a 1-10 rather than what I was suspecting as a 1-14 because when I examined the target I had rounds that had almost turned sideways and that was telling me that the bullets weren't spinning fast enough and were never stabilizing. Either way, I was a wreck.

Same day, I'm down at the gun dealer to check out what ammos they have because I was determined to find that perfect ammo that would solve all my problems caues I'm POSITIVE that this rifle is capable of being deadly accurate. I tell the gun dealer what's happening and what I was shooting and he proceeds to tell me that I'm dead in the water and there's no way I'm going to get a 50grn .223 bullet to fire better than a 1" MOA out of 1-10 twist and that I was dumb and should have gotten a 1-9 or 1-8.

I proceed to tell him that he has no clue what he's talking about because I have a Savage 22-250 that is a 1-14 twist and I'm shooting 50grn bullets though that with a consistent 3/8" MOA and the only difference between the bullets I'm shooting out of that and these are... wait... I GOT IT! The bullets are going WAY faster! 4100 fps and change as a matter of fact. I then turn to the dealer and ask him what the fastest .223 ammo he has is in 50-55grn.

He gives me the Hornady Zombie ammo 3240 fps and I'm off to the range again after I tell him one more time that he has no clue what he's talking about.

I settle my nerves and load up a clip with 4 rounds... First group... .450 MOA!!! YES! I was right! So, now I'm on the hunt for an even faster ammo cause I know the barrel will take it and I don't want to start working up a custom load till I get something that I'm sure is even closer in the ballpark of a consistent .300 MOA.

Just found it: Hornady Superformance Varmint 53 grn V-MAX 3465 fps. Because of the way my groups kept increasing as I increased the bullet speed, I was sure this one was gonna be the winner and it truly is.

Load 5 rounds in my clip and begin my first group, sat down and shot my first round, see it on paper, now for the next round. Don't see it?? Huh? Guess I'll put another one down range. Damn, don't see that one either... where in gods creation are my bullets hitting??? I only see the first hole... Round #4, WHERE ARE THESE BULLETS HITTING??? .... wait... NO.... Yep. They're all in the same hole.

At this point, I soiled myself but in a completely different way if you could imagine! So I got one round left and I put it on paper but because I was way too excited I jerked it and just pulled it out of the 4 shot hole. So, I'm left with ONE flyer on a 5 shot group that is STILL .280 MOA. I've attached an image of the group. All of my other groups are .250" MOA and below. Truth is, if this gun fired itself without me putting any input into it, it's a .000 MOA gun. This barrel is unreal.

I AM IN LOVE WITH YOUR BARREL!!!!!! Thank you for making such an amazing piece of work, keep it up!!!

Your Loyal Customer For Life,
Chris Gaines

P.S. If you ever publish any of your success stories you have my permission to publish this one if your readers can stand the long story. I'll send you a few pics of the rifle completed cause you only had my upper out there. =
Thank you for a job well done to help me get this 8 pointer. Love the 243wssm gun you made.

Keith Clark
eight point buck taken with ASI AR 10 in .443 WSSM
Accuracy Systems,

I received my Mini 14 trigger back and it is really nice! - thank you very much for such a good job and so quick besides, especially over a Holiday. I went to the range yesterday, and the two-stage setup with a lighter pull made a big improvement in my accuracy, since I am a novice to shooting without an educated trigger finger as yet. There was a guy at the range with a Mini and I referred him to you - and I will keep on doing so whenever I see Mini shooters.

Thanks again,

Beautiful job on the Remington 700 rifle, I can't wait to get out and shoot it... Tony WRight

UMSS 300 Win. Mag., 1x10 twist, 26"x .835" Sendero Contour, Brushed finish, 11 degree target crown, 1/2-MOA accuracy guarantee @ 100 yards three shot group with selected factory ammo.
Mini 14 rifle arrived today 10/15 in good order. man this thing is beautiful !! and not as barrel heavy as i thought. can't wait to take it out to the range. THANK YOU so very much!!!

Best regards,
Robert Elam
Auburn Ca.

Spec's: UMSS .223 Rem. 1 x 9 twist, 20"x .850", Brushed Finish stainless barrel, 3.5# trigger, 850" gas block & parts kit, Hand guard, 3 point steel bedding, 11 Degree target crown, Sub 1.25-MOA accuracy guarantee @ 100 yards three shot group with selected factory ammo.
Dear ASI,
Another wonderful job to your credit. I received the rifle today and I am quite happy with the way it came out. got some snap caps in and pulled the trigger. crisp. The barrel could have been a little shorter for my taste but you being the experts I can live with your judgement. Can't wait to get this to the range.
As stated, I will pack up my MINI 14 in the shipping box you sent for another barrel reduction/muzzle break install. Do you have SS black warrior breaks w/ bayonet mount in stock? I am considering sending 2 stocks (butler creek folder & original wood) for the bedding, but the folder needs mounting hardware. again, do you have these in stock? thanks for the quick turnaround and i will speak with you soon.
Hi, just wanted to let you know the Mini 14 still shooting strong and the adjustable gas block was a great mod.

Cheers, Marc

I just got my rifle back yesterday. Looks great, the trigger pull is sweet and the sights are so much better. Thank you so much for your prompt work and quality craftsmanship. Thank you also for sending the spare parts back. Thanks again so much for breathing life back in to my piece of junk.

Wade Fischer

Ruger Mini 14: Labor - Black XTP Front Sight, Muzzle brake & bayonet Lug (Installed) OAL 16.5" and permanently attached
poor shooting little rifle is now extremely accurate

Thank you and your team, this little 1989 Mini-14 Ranch Rifle is now extremely accurate even with a very hot barrel. The results of your work have exceeded all of my expectations

You did the following to my Mini-14, SMSS 5.56 / .223Rem. Barrel with a 1x9 twist, 18"x .625" Brushed finish Stainless Steel, 3.5# trigger (just awesome by the way),.625" gas block & parts kit, 3 point steel bedding, 11 degree target, crown, 1.75-MOA accuracy guarantee @ 100 yards three shot group, with selected factory ammo, Nutmeg laminate wood stock, Shock Buffer, and an Extra Power Guide Spring.

I followed your barrel break in procedure to the letter. On the second day at the range I mounted a 3x9 Leupold VX-2 3x9 (40mm) objective, scope on a set of Ruger Rings. After zeroing the scope I was shooting sub 1/2" groups at 100 yards from a sandbag rest using Champion Visi-Shot Sight In targets. On three occasions I could not see if I was on paper, when I walked out to the target I found out why, I was putting rounds almost exactly through the same hole, using 5.56mm x 45 Federal.

I had one fellow who was at the bench next to me sighting in a scope on his .30-06 bolt action ask me what the heck I was shooting and he was stunned to see it was a mini-14 Ranch Rifle. I explained it was accurized by you and your team and he could just not get over the groups it was shooting, he said he was going to get his safe queen and send it to you.

I was not sure I was going to like the replacement stock, my wife loves the Nutmeg laminated stock, and women at the range have come over and have nothing but complimentary things to say about how the rifle looks. I must admit you don't see a Mini-14 like this every day, she definitely has curb appeal without going over the top. From my point of view I now have a ranch rifle that I can actually use on the ranch, it is light, agile, and tack driving accurate.

I just want to thank you and your team of craftsmen for a fine job. I am one satisfied customer. You exceeded my expectations in every way.


Randy Tully
Greetings Carl,

A few months ago you installed a 1" barrel on my Mini-14 and I have been slow in starting to work on it as far as hand loading goes which accounts for the long time since the rifle came back to me. I was not located where it was easy to shoot it under the structured setting I wanted. So here is a report. I have followed the break in instructions to the letter using an Otis system and have just this afternoon finished the second five shot group. I never did see much in the way of copper fouling and now am seeing only soot after the brush and patches. I have never had a rifle like this that shoots so well and admit that I am inexperienced. All of my other rifles are hunting grade, not target grade like this one. I look forward to hearing from can categorize me as a happy customer.

Jack Inyart

Hi Carl,

The AR 15 6.5 Grendel upper is terrific, nice job.
Shooting .66" with AMax ammo and .79 with SST, in 3 shot groups.

Was looking try a different hand guard and wanted to know if it would need to be heated, to remove.
Do you use lock-tight or some other locker thread on the forearm?

Best Regards, Steve Seyer

Best Days Afield
Buck taken with Custom ar-10 300 wsm semi Howzit carl sorry i never got back to you but i wanted to use rifle to hunt and get a pic out to you on how it performs i took rifle out to lanai and shot this buck at 316 yards rifle now works flawlessly thank you again for a fine build and great customer service!!


Just a note on your fine rifles- I just took delivery of one of your AR-15's. Its everything your advertising says it would be- A great group, nice trigger and quality craftsmanship. Thanks for a great gun.
I do have a question- Is there any problem with me adding a 1" buttstock extension to my AR?
Thank you, Loren Anderson
After the break-in period on my AR-15 upper that I had built, I can confidently say that the rifle is capable of doing roughly 1/2 MOA or less.

From approximately 175 yards, I was shooting groups under 1 inch.

The upper I had built is a single-shot upper to comply with dumb California laws. It has no gas port/block/tube. As a result, I can legally have "evil features" and a detachable, high capacity magazine installed in my rifle.

My rifle has a Geissele match trigger in it, and off of the roof of my car, I could consistently hit within half of an inch of the target I was shooting at from 175 yards. My shooting is not perfect.

I am extremely pleased with my upper!

Philip Olding     Folsom, California
Hello Carl, I went through the entire breaking-in procedure exactly according to the instructions, 0000 steel wool on the Bore Snake and an entire little tub of JB Bore Compound. What a job! Worth it though, as it cleans up with just a pull or two of the Bore Snake now and the accuracy is better than advertised. (You might consider offering the breaking-in procedure as a paid-for service for those with more money than time). I love that it looks nearly stock but shoots the way a rifle ought to shoot. The match sight and Fire Sight are a great combo, absolutely superior to the stock Ranch Rifle sights, although most of my shooting will be through the scope. I appreciate your clarifying that my rifle can shoot both .223 Remington and 5.56 X 45 NATO. Is there any actual difference between the two? Anyway, I just wanted you to know that you have another very satisfied customer; both your gunsmithing and your customer service are first rate.

Bob Miller

I ordered the half-rail free-floating forearm for my Remington 750, and I have been very pleased with it. The difference in accuracy is amazing. I was wondering if you offer a muzzle brake for the 750 that I could install myself. Do you carry such a product?


Gaines Johnston

Yes, the Tuneable Brake.

ASI 25 WSSM AR15 Upper Build - Worth the Wait for Super Accuracy!

Hello Carl - writing about how fantastic your 25 WSSM custom build shoots

Received my build in March 2012 (ordered late Dec 2011) which consisted of 25 WSSM 20inch AR15 Upper, Full barrel fluting and Muzzle Brake. I would have never thought that i could buy an AR15 that could shoot as good as my bolt action rifles, but ASI proved me differently. My requirements were to have a accurate AR15 that could shoot a 100g or 110g bullet fast, accurately and also have the lightness of the smaller AR15 frame total weight w/out Mag came in around 7.2 lbs for deer hunting.

I have created the following loads which give consistent velocities with fantastic accurate small groups at 200 and 300 yards:

100g Nosler Ballistic Tip
Powder: 46.5g of IMR 4350
Primer: Fed LR
OAL Seated w/Bullet: 2.293 (max length to fit in magazine)
Velocity: 3048

110g Nosler Accubond
Powder: 46g of W760
Primer: Fed LR Mag Match
OAL Seated w/Bullet: 2.293
Velocity: 3060

I highly recommend ASI building a custom for any of your shooting needs!


Brandon Wong
Tucson Arizona
Today, I received the trigger assembly for my mini-30 that your company tuned. It is awesome! Thanks for the fast turnaround and quality of your work. If you get another shipment of trigger shoes, please send me and email.


Terry Mahan
Hey Carl Received the Remington 7600 rifle-great job!

If you have not already, please send the rest of the .280 Ackley shells to me.

Thanks again
Charles Burke Remington 7600 Rifle 280 Ackley

I am extremely happy with the work your team has done on this rifle. I will recommend your company without reservation. I am following your break-in procedure to the letter and each 3 round group gets tighter and tighter. She now prints right where she is pointed.

Thank you.
Steve Sanabria

Steve's Rifle Specifications

custome Ruger Mini 14

I know that you have many customers, so my asking this as a former customer may not jog your memory. My name is Mark Krueger. You did some work for me in 2010-2011. I have ran at least 100 rounds, more like 200 rounds through my rifle. I've cleaned the rifle as per your instructions for break-in, but I need to do a thorough cleaning and would like to replace the recoil buffer. With the stock bedded, I'm not sure how I would do this.
This is not a pressing issue, and any information you can give, would be greatly appreciated. Thanks for all the work, and the rifle is soooooo accurate!

Best Regards,

Mark Krueger
Sorry I didnt get back to you got hacked hard. The AR 243WSSM works pin point shooten penny's at 200 yards dark opps scope and a 6 point last hunten season. Thanks for a great upper! Good job!!!     Keith Clark

Subj: Shooting results Remington 750 Free Float Forearm.

Hello from NC did finally get a chance to test out the new rigid front forearm for my new Remington 750. The results were amazing. With out the solid forearm it would shoot about in a 1 foot circle, you could cover the groupings with a basket ball. Now with the new forearm is shoots 1 inch or better all day long. It took awhile to get the scope to get even close to hitting the paper. I had to install paper and more paper spacers under the scope to get in to bring the shoots up. I have ordered a Burris set of .020 spacers for the Burris Signature rings and hope this allows me to take the paper shims out. Have you run into this problem before? If so what is your solution?
All and all I am thrilled with the forearm, and I will send pictures of the grouping as soon as I get the new shims from Burris and get them installed and head back to the range.
I totally believe that the gun will shoot ½ to ¾ inch groups all day long. And they said the Remington 750 won't shoot, also never had a jam or any malfunction as of yet.
Will be back in touch with more info

Finally got the 270 7400 out with the new mods. Put about 20 rounds through it, Winchester SP and their power max hollow points, both their standard factory loads for 130 grain. The rifle performed flawlessly. No ejection problems or blown primers. No excess blackening of the cases or over dented primers. I had 1 feed issue but was using the new 10 round magazine and it was the mag not the rifle's issue. Moved the scope a bit for better eye relief and it shot with the same accuracy that it exhibited with the longer barrel at least out to 100 yard. Thanks for hanging in there with me. Will most likely get the win mag out next after I get the scope mounted. Great job!


Bob Towner
I am interested in the # 11 in .308, I recently purchased the same rifle in .260 Rem from you and it shoots great, let me know what you have in stock. Jack Schul

New Accuracy Systems Desert Sniper Long range
New Accuracy Systems Desert Sniper Long range
New Accuracy Systems Desert Sniper Long rangeAccuracy Systems Desert Sniper Long range
  1. Ultra match air gauged CM 4140 black steel barrel 1.2" x 28" OAL
  2. Large 2 port maxi brake
  3. H-S Precision PST26F Prairie grass cameo stock
  4. 2.5 lbs match trigger single stage
  5. Choice of caliber
  6. Matte Black oxide finish
  7. ½ MOA guarantee with selected ammo
  8. BDL action Remington 700

Price $1999.99 Order #11


I just wanted you to know that my Mini-14 made it safe and sound. It looks awesome! I can't wait to shoot it and I'll report back when I do.

Hopefully we can build something else in the future, I love your work!

Be well and happy,

Matt Weston
Thank you so much for the amazing job on my Mini30! When I sent it to you the best shot group I could get out of this gun was 3½" at 100yds.That was with Hornady Z Max. Keep in mind that this is a brand new rifle that I purchased in the beginning of March. After getting the bedding job, trigger job and the harmonic balancer, my rifle shot a ⅞" m.o.a. group at 100yds. I shot that group with the Hornady Z Max in the rain with about a 10mph wind. [Note the waterproof laminated target]. I am amazed at how well my gun shoots with factory ammo as well as adverce conditions. I am looking forward to testing several different loads in better conditions. I am looking forward to doing more business with you again in the future. Best Regards, Mike Shaub Lancaster,Pa bedding job trigger job harmonic balancer rifle target bedding job trigger job harmonic balancer target


Finally got the 270 Remington 7400 out with the new mods. Put about 20 rounds through it, Winchester SP and their power max hollow points, both their standard factory loads for 130 grain. The rifle performed flawlessly. No ejection problems or blown primers. No excess blackening of the cases or over dented primers. I had 1 feed issue but was using the new 10 round magazine and it was the mag not the rifleā€™s issue. Moved the scope a bit for better eye relief and it shot with the same accuracy that it exhibited with the longer barrel at least out to 100 yard. Thanks for hanging in there with me. Will most likely get the win mag out next after I get the scope mounted. Great job!

Thanks Bob Towner 

.204 Ruger side charged upper w/quiet brake 3/19/2012

Good morning Carl. Since I don't exactly live in the country right now, I decided to take my time breaking your barrel in shooting a 3 shot group into a tree or something whenever I was able and then clean the barrel. Obviously, this took me all winter to go through a couple of boxes which was fine because I wanted to mount the scope that was on my .223 Rem. AR-15, but didn't have time to "sight in" during hunting season. Anyway....

I think this "break in" has paid off because I have never seen tighter groups after this last weekend. I was consistently shooting dim sized groups at 100 yards and the last three were under that (all touching)! At 200 yards, consistently dime sized groups. At 300 & 400, quarter sized groups. I was using a rest, but the rifle was not "locked / straped down". I have never seen a rifle as accurate as this shooting factory ammo (40gr Hornady V-Max)! It's now the most accurate rifle I own even beating my bolt action deer rifle! Again, it was a pleasure to do business with you and I may have to explore a new deer rifle down the road. I will try to send a picture or two in the not to far future. Thanks for a job well done.J

Hello, I am the proud owner of one of your rifles. Basically #024 from your web page. I put a 2X 3000c Aimpoint on it and it is a monster! Sub MOA out to 200 yds. Past that the scope is the only issue going out farther. Anyway, It is chambered for .223 Remington. Lot's of stuff online .223 vs 5.56 in stock firearms. I know that stock Ruger Mini's will shoot either. Any issues with shooting 5.56 in my rifle? I would think with your heavy barrel and chamber, wouldn't matter. Just thinking ahead I guess. Thanks for your time. Mark.

Hello, From ASI Do not shoot 5.56 in the 223 Chamber it could harm the rifle. Thanks Carl @ ASI

ASI Custom Fluted Ranch Rifle with 360 Degree Brake

Sub MOA Guarantee

ASI Custom Fluted Ranch Rifle with 360° Brake
  1. UMSS Barrel, .900" x 24" diameter, fluted with 360° brake
  2. Bell & Carlson graphite stock with recoil pad
  3. Custom hand guard and extended magazine release
  4. Scope rings
  5. Enhanced 2 stage trigger
  6. .900" gas block and 3 point steel bedding
  7. 1x9 or 1x10 twist

Order #024 - Built on your rifle action $1339.98

Esraul Redding

P.S. A few years ago I sent you a mini- 14 and had the premium package done,...truly amazing. The not only consitantly shots groups sud-MOA, but your smith work and craftsmanship are far superior to what I've seen out there. I still have plans to send it back to you to add a BC stock, but it is truly a work of art.

Thanks again!

Good afternoon. If you remember, I had an AR15 built by you guys a few months ago. I got to put a couple hundred rounds through it while I was home last, and loved it! It shot Hornady 77gr Match BTHP incredibly well! But anyways, let me get to the point. Brief reminder, I am a private security contractor, currently deployed overseas. Well, I successfully had a long distance AR15 built, thanks to you. Now, I am looking to build a CQB type AR15. Take care!

-Paden Hale
Wanted to let you know that i have started shooting the gun and it is working great. I have already found out that it is now more accurate than either me or the scope. While all I can do is practice more, I can replace the cheap scope that i have on it. Do you have any recommendations on a brand/model of scope that you have seen mounted on a mini 14 that you have reworked like mine? There are so many choices inthe market nowadays that I thought i would ask the people that work on these every day. Once again thanks for the great job on the gun.

Kelly Weddle
Hi, I had a mini 14 done by you several years ago (5-6) I spent $1800 on it all together and its worth it. An incredibly accurate rifle. I shoot threw the same hole so often I can't tell where the bullet's going. I'd like a model #014 straight forward rifle built (Click to see the Rifle). 1.20 tapered to .875 with quite brake matt gray bright flutes ,hs graphite stock (in gray if possible)2# trigger , detachable magazine . I want either 7mm stw or 7mm ultra mag. Please feel free to call me at most anytime other than late night. Talk to you soon, Damon
ar-10 300wsm 200 yard group
Carl, heres a group of the ar-10 300wsm u built @200 yards. I haven't shot it in a while and took it out yesterday and shot this to check 200 zero and was hitting steel out to 829 yards.

Hello, Carl.

I am a previous customer still shooting the 6.5 Grendel upper you made for me. 18.5" barrel w/SRT suppressor and is still the most accurate rifle I have ever shot. Hog kills at 400 and 500 yards last year. The only two hogs I have ever shot at, at those distances, so not a fluke or law of averages.

I am considering the mini 14 as a 300 Blackout rifle with an integral suppressor.


Joe Carroll
Katy, TX
Received my 7600 trigger. Much better than the factory. Have not shot it, but dry fired and I am impressed. I have two more 7600 triggers I plan to send to you for the same treatment.
Thank you,
Wayne Sears

I installed your free floating forearm on my Remington 750, and I am very pleased with the results. I had previously brought it to my local gunsmith, who sighted it in getting 1⅞ inch groups. I had to take the scope off to install the forearm. I then brought it back to the same gunsmith, who this time achieved 1¼groups. That pretty much says it all. Thank you for a fine product and proven results.

Gaines Johnston
Mobile, AL

Got the Mini back and took it to the range on Saturday. What an improvement. almost unbelievable. Before i had the barrel stabilizer package installed and the trigger job and stock bedding done the gun was all over the target. Shot different hot than cold couldn't zero in at all. Now the second shot was almost in the first hole. stayed consistent all day. Additionally the stronger guide spring stopped me from throwing the hot brass 20 feet to my right rear. now it pops the brass 8 feet to the front and right. not a problem for fellow shooters.

Good job thanks

Terry S. Richmond CA

Hey Carl,

I received the rifle the evening of 12/21 and I was extremely happy with the look, feel, scope, and front sight. Beautiful gun! Broke in the barrel per your instructions the following Monday. Then shot at targets at 300 M and 600 yds. All shots hit targets at 300 M. 8/10 shots hit at 600 yds. Gun is great....I need more practice.

Thanks for the great and friendly service. Again, I'm thrilled with your product.

Best Regards,

Marc J. Alei



Tuesday, March 25, 03:37:21 PM Mountain Time

Accuracy Systems' location is not a retail/store front. It is a machine shop with dangerous machines running. For your safety we do not accept walk-ins. PLEASE CALL FOR AN APPOINTMENT IF YOU ARE GOING TO VISIT. THANKS.

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