Testimonials 2009
Suppressed 243 WSSM Vapor trails & 400m Practical Shooting
Mini 14 300yds on steel plate
The custom Mini-14 Ruger again
Ruger Mini-14 Ranch Rifle Accuracy Upgrade
Hi, 12/23/2009
I really appreciate the great and fast service on my Mini-30 trigger. It's great just like my Mini-14 trigger after you modified it. I'll always point folks your way.
Thanks again for the great service.
Larry Wrinkle lwrin@aol.com
Buffalo, MO
Carl, 12/14/2009
Thank you for your fine work on my Mini 14. It functions perfectly.
After going through the break in procedure I found the accuracy to be well within what you said it would be.
Robert Swift rlswift@hotmail.com
Hi Carl, 12/08/2009
I thought I would give you a report on my Mini 30 6.5 Grendel. So far, it has functioned nicely. I took it out last weekend when the weather was still good and did a fair amount of shooting. I used your suggested break in procedure. It was remarkable how much easier to clean the gun got as the day wore on.
The gun is a little finicky when it comes to load and bullet selection. I was shooting hand loads and had several different loads to try. Most loads shot around 1 to 1.5 inches at 100 yards. My best load was with some Varget powder and the 123 gr. Lapua Scenar bullets. The 5 shot group measured .58 at 100 yards. (It may have been better as the first four measured .30, and I got excited on the 5th shot and may have pulled it a little. I was very pleased to say the least. Unfortunately, I am out of Varget and it is a little hard to find. I am going to try some other loads/powders and hopefully duplicate the success.
FYI - the feeding was flawless out of the factory 5 round 6.8 Rem Magazine.
Hello Carl,just broke in the first Mini 14 rifle,it shoots great,groups under .25 moa with 69gr sierra's.
Thanks again
Hugh 11/27/2009 11:50:38 A.M. Mountain Standard Time, hughw@telus.blackberry.net
Hi Carl, 11/22/2009
The Mini 14 conversion rifle you built for me is a coyote killing machine! Bolt action like accuracy on a semi automatic rifle make a deadly combination.
Thanks, Seth Sommerville Seth@DairyMD.com

Sorry it took so long to let you know how happy I am with my Mini 14 conversion that you did for me, invoice # 2255. This gun looks great and I like the way it handles. Today I finally found a load it really likes. Here is a couple pics of the gun and group that I shot at a 100 yards. I had one flyer on the 5 shot group, but I think it was my fault. My load was a Nosler 55 gr. Ballistic Tip with 27.5 gr. of Varget and a CCI bench rest primer. I am going to the Nebraska sand hills over Thanks Giving to hunt coyotes, and I am taking my Mini 14.
Thanks Darrell BatesHello Carl, 11/03/2009
I do not remember if I emailed you already about my new rifle. I am very happy with the DPMS .325 WSM that you made for me recently. Within the first 17 rounds fired through it, I had one group that was .265" and another that was ~.377" at 100 yards, with variable winds at 13-25 MPH. Considering that I was only planning to bore sight my scope to be on the paper for that session, I felt very happy with these two groups!
Thank you,
Tom Vanzant tomvanzant@juno.comHello, this past weekend while I was at the range I meet a gentleman who had just received his .308 from you here in Houston, TX. I must say I was extremely impressed. Awesome gun, and he told me it was his first time shooting it, and his group was on top of one another! I have seen your site before and now I am interested in ordering. One question, how long does it take, and do you have anything in stock? I would like something I can use this deer season.
I am interested in #015 in a .308.
Thank You. avi@sbcglobal.net 10/19/2009
Thanks and I hope your having a Great Day!I purchased a .308 upper from you and all I can say is it is impressive for accuracy. Now I'm thinking about a new upper or re-barreling a upper from anther DPMS .308. I was thinking about a 24 inch heavy SS barrel with a match chamber and a BOSS stabilizer. I want a very accurate gun for target shooting with my friends. Any suggestions?
P.S. I know why you guarantee your group size, you double the dia. of the group the gun will shoot, safe bet. I'm not complaining I think it's great you can make an auto that will shoot with a stock bolt action gun, that is if you get the right "nut on the handle".
alexan44@windstream.net 10/18/2009Carl, 10/07/209
Regarding my rifle you built! WOW, is too little of a word! I cannot believe such craftsmanship was ever possible on a mini-14, the handling and performance beats all of my rifles hands down! Thank you again for such an amazing product!
James Ballester
Aliso Viejo, Ca. 92656

Throw out the other testimonies I sent you. This is the one! Attached is a picture of a 4-shot group fired yesterday (Sunday August 23, 2009) at 207yds! Three of the shots are under one inch! This from a 30-06 & factory ammo. Incredible, just incredible! I had with me two witnesses, and a gentleman whom we didn't know, with a laser range finder (who was at the gravel pit where we shoot) laser the distance, which we had paced-off several times for our 200 yd. set-up. My first 300yd. group would have been almost as impressive were it not for a flyer that was my fault. I'm at about 96 shots for the rifle, and the break-in period is over. The rifle exhibits very little copper build-up, and seems to effortlessly shoot these beautiful groups. Also, had two shots touch on one other group, but the third was out enough to keep the overall group from being "braggable" But WTF?, two shots in the same hole at 200yds. Amazing!!!
Bradley Whiting
Proposal Engineer
Flexible Automation, Inc.
3387 E. Bristol Rd
Burton, MI 48529
Phone: 810-742-8540
Fax: 810-742-5373
To whom it may concern,
Just wanted to let you know that I am very pleased with my stock. I am shooting bullet in bullet at 100 yards with very little variation. (These are all handloaded) My 300 yard groups are within 1 inch. I shot at Fort Bragg with it at 800 yards and never got out of the 9 ring except when during wind gusts. That was with a 10mph cross wind with 15-20 mph gusts. My wife shot it Saturday and shot the eye out of the silhouette at 300 yards twice in a row. That eye was the designated target by the way. Everyone at the range has been very impressed with the options on this stock.
Thanks for the great product,
Jason Thomas
Grays Creek NC
Hi Carl, I received my rifle today. I am completely satisfied. what a great job All I can say is thanks
James Massaro 09/02/2009 dodymassaro@bellsouth.net
Aloha, First let me say I really love the rifle that you made for me, I broke it in as instructed,and it is everything I had hoped. Thank you for your patience and understanding in dealing with the changes that I wanted. My rifle has the SCAR stock. Thanks, Doug 8/10/2009
I wanted to write and tell you what an amazing upper you made me. I ordered a 6.5 Creedmoor from you because at the time it was faster to have it made by you than from DPMS and it would be made to my specifications ( best decision I could have made) I received the rifle and held it in my hands I was in love. I followed the break in process and what a pain. But I'm a believer after about 140 rounds I decided to stretch the legs on it and shoot it at 300 and 500 yards. When I approached the target at 300 Yards I couldn't believe my eye's.

P.S. You were right about the break I love it!
If you'd like I can send a picture of the whole rifle put together.
SFC Toomey, Odin L
ARNG Liaison
198th IN BD
Ft Benning Ga
Office 706-544-0082
Cell 706-575-8964
Fax 706-544-0082
Email odin.toomey@us.army.mil
Finally, anticipated and amazed! Wow what an awesome rifle, balanced, and true. Have not shot it yet and will do this weekend. I will follow the break in procedures to the letter. Will keep you posted.
James Ballester 7/25/2009
Dear Emmite family,
I am sorry it has taken me so long to write you. We are very busy in Wichita, especially this time of year.
My brother in law from Seattle was here recently and I finally made the time to take my little rifle out to the range. I topped of my "mini socom" with a Millet red dot scope from a handgun in my safe. First of all, what a cool looking gun. I know looks are not everything, but the rifle looks very cool.
Now I have shot my mini 14 before, and I can tell you I was sloshing groups around the size of a laundry basket at 75 yards. I thought it was me. When I was dialing in the red dot I was printing five shot groups that could be covered by a quarter. No kidding. All of them. I am very impressed with your work. They don't call you Accuracy Systems for nothing.
Please feel free to use me as a reference at any time.
Thanks again

The picture is of a 3-shot group, shot at 100 yds, performed last Sat. during the ongoing barrel break-in process. (I have now put 48 rounds thru the barrel in groups of 3) I was able to do literally the very same group two other times within 7 separate 3-shot groups, shot between cleanings. The first cold-bore shot from each group would always be right on the money, followed by shots #2 & #3 in overlapping holes. Apparently, I'm not quite getting the bore 100% solvent free before the next shot string, and it's having a minor effect on the group, possibly due to the first shot being affected by solvent residue in the barrel. (not sure, maybe you could tell me your thoughts.) Bottom line, the rifle is AWESOME! You targeted with 150gr Std. Remington Pointed soft point. I am shooting the same only with 165 grainers in this 30-06. The trigger work is probably just as responsible for the good groupings as anything. My goal for this rifle is to make it a reliable 400yd. shooter, not drastic distance by any measure, but more than realistic for Michigan hunting conditions pretty much anywhere in the state.
Also, I have followed your break-in procedure to the letter. It takes me almost 3 hours to put out a 21-shot day. The barrel is cooled for at least five minutes between every shot (longer when I clean), and no short-cuts are being taken.
I have read most of the testimonials (primarily before I purchased) and you may feel free to add this one if you so desire. You have built me a spectacular rifle. Thanks!!!!!!
Bradley WhitingProposal Engineer
Flexible Automation, Inc.
3387 E. Bristol Rd
Burton, MI 48529
Phone: 810-742-8540
Fax: 810-742-5373
Thank you. I will clean every three shots as you prescribed. So far, the rifle is shooting very well (Better than the shooter I'm afraid.) I have managed to better the group you sent with the rifle twice, with one group having two shots almost thru the same hole. I am very pleased with your work. I have extensively researched the break-in process and again, your expertise stands out. As much as I thought I knew about rifles, I have really learned a lot, and you are 100% correct in all your theories. We will be doing business again in the future, you can count on that.
Best regards,Bradley Whiting 7/13/2009
A year later and we have finally had a chance to finish the 300 RSAUM project we started. We mounted a Nightforce 5.5 x 22 x 56mm scope and went to work. These are measured and verified ranges in the pictures. I fired them from the tail gate of my pickup with front and rear shooting bags and a steel folding chair. The load was 178gr A Max bullets with 59.2 grains of H4350 loaded to 2.800 inches. The two 1000 yard groups were fired back to back with a slight adjustment for the breeze. Nice work.
Thanks,Curt Eli
Carrington North Dakota

Carl, I just received the mini 30, it looks outstanding! Thank you for the great workmanship. I have not fired the weapon but I'm sure it will shoot as good as it looks. As far as ammo, do you recommend a brand or grade? Or can I shoot like say Wolf? Not too much available on the market at this time so wanted to know your thoughts. Thank you
Jed Renshaw 07/11/2009 jed@sbharley.net
Carl, I am mounting a nightforce 5.5-22-56 on the mini with a bull in .204 that you built for me and I was wondering if you had any suggestions for rail\rings combo? Trying to keep it as low to the gun as possible. Plan on shooting this gun competitively so I am looking for top of the line for stability.
Thanks for your time, hope all is well
P.S. The .204 AR is crazy accurate, thanks again
Alex Volk 07/10/2009 higherendclothing@mac.comHey Carl
I just received my mini 14 back from you Guys
I have not had a chance to shoot it but wanted you to know what a beautiful job. (Your workmanship is outstanding) Thanks again "I will keep in touch and let you know how it does" A lot of Money but worth every penny.
Thomas Zemrus TRZ58@aol.com 07/10/2009
WOW... is all I can say at this point...the trigger is beyond description...very nice doesn't do it just. The over all appearance is awesome I'm sure it will shoot as good as it looks after viewing the test target. I will follow the instructions to the letter. I will be ordering stuff from Brownell's as soon as I'm finished with this email. I will send you a picture after I send the stock in...if and when I do I like the looks of it as it is...
Thank you and please thank your staff for what has been a very good first experience upgrading a weapon...the outcome is just what I wanted. You will most likely do another for me in the someday down the road...
Cody Wyoming
ps...if your every in Cody please stop by...
7/1/2009 ugo@bresnan.net

In case you want to see how good the Harmonic Balancer you installed for me works on my Encore barrel.
Range report:
Shot my .270 TC Encore with the 28" SS barrel and the Harmonic Balancer. I've settled on RL17 52.3 grains, 3100 FPS and Flat primers. I'm shooting moly 130 Berger VLDs with very light neck tension allowing the rifle to seat the bullet as the breach closes. 9 shots on the steel at 400 yards.First 4 on the 12 X 14 inch target. Next two on the 8X9 inch target. Let the barrel cool and then put three in the 5X6 inch target. All three dead in the center, I measured 2.39 inch 3 shot group
Not bad for a Breach loading deer rifle with hunting bullets...
Robbin Harrell
Oracle DBA
Health IT Division
"A SEI CMMI level 3 company"
Work: 850-651-4000 Ext 34
Cell: 850-803-3021
Hi Carl and CO., I wanted to take a minute and send my sincerest thanks for your recent work on my Mini 30. Absolutely fantastic, it exceeded my expectations and shoots better than ever, and I've only shot about 80 rounds through it, not totally broken in, but it definitely is far better. The adjustable gas block and harmonic stabilizer are amazing, Ruger should indeed include your business info on every Mini they sell...I look forward to having you work on some other rifles in the future and everything else you did for me was TOP notch, thanks for your patience with all my questions and concerns and commitment to excellence, you truly are a master craftsman and gunsmith.
Sincerely and many thanks,
Gary Gleck ggleck@yahoo.com 6/16/2009
Finally finished the break in (60 rounds, cleaning every second shot) on the AR10 in 260 you made for me this last Sunday and fired for group. I got four shots touching (¼inch) at 100 yards with factory 140gr ammo. Can't wait to see what it will do with a 120gr bullet and my hand loads! Great rifle, worth every cent.
H.M. Riggs 5/29/2009 RiggsHM@state.gov

Carl, my work schedule this spring did not allow me to work on the Mini 14 that you re-barreled for me until this week. I must admit I was skeptical about the break in procedure using the JB's, 0000 steel wool, and the clean every 3 rounds as recommended. I have always used the Sinclair method with all of my bolt guns and I was nervous about damaging the barrel....In any event, I did the first 60 rounds exactly as you recommended. It took several hours and was a real pain in the butt....
I then proceeded to test 5 different loads. The first two were in the 2.5" range, and the third was 1.76". To say the least, I was getting worried as all my hand loads are done very carefully. All cases are have the case necks dechamfured inside and outside, primer pockets uniformed, and the flash holes deburred. I weigh each charge to the 1/10 of a grain and all bullets are seated 10" off the lands, using a Stoney Point tool.
When I got to the 4th load, things got better, as my reloads delivered a .696" group, using 26.0 of Win 748 and Nosler 50 grain ballistic silver tip bullets. But it was the 5thgroup that was unbelievable. IT WAS A .216" GROUP IN A CLASSIC CLOVER LEAF PATTERN WITH ALL THREE SHOTS TOUCHING!!!! I could not have been more excited!! I have been doing precision handloading in my hunting and varmint rifles for many years and this is one of the best groups I have ever shot with any of my custom rifles.
The load I used in the .216" group is as follows:
Nosler 50 Grain Ballistic Silver Tip bullets (w/black coating), 25.5 Grains of Varget, Winchester Sm Rifle Primers, fully prepped Winchester brass (new), all seated at 10" off the lands at 2.885 to the ogive of the bullet, single fed through the gun, using a 6X IOR scope, Sinclair bags and rest, measured 100 yards to target.
Anyway, I just wanted to thank you for the quality job you did on the rifle. The trigger is great and the gun is obviously going to shoot exceptionally well with the right handloads.
Rick EvansBox 8330
Ruidoso, NM 88355
From: organdoctor@bellsouth.net To: accuracyinc1@aol.com Sent: 5/18/2009 7:53:32 P.M. Mountain Daylight Time The 700 / 308 is superb.. thank you for the service!!
Dear Carl,
There are only a few words I can think of to describe the new rifle you built me. On the Remington action in the 300 Ultra--the words I would use to describe it are incredible, phenomonal, unbelievable and awesome!!! It is not only the finest firearm I have ever seen but it is truly a work of art! Up until a couple of days ago, I fired one box of Remington ammo, 180 grain Scirroco bullets and while sighting it in I shot of group of .300 (3 shots, center to center). And yesterday, with my first try using hand loads-- 97.5 grains of Retumbo 3,220 fps, no signs of pressure with a 208 A-MAX, the 3rd group I shot measured .270. If I ever shoot a group that good as long as I live, it'll be a miracle. I can't thank you enough. My next goal is 1,000 yards. I'll keep you posted on how it went. After that, you might think I'm crazy, I'd like to try 1,760, a mile. Well, if you ever get out here to Wyoming, look me up. Lots of Wyoming big game and turkey.
Thanks so much, Don Ballard (a loyal client forever, now)
P.S. You'll be happy to know, I'm following your break-in instructions to the letter (obviously, they work!)Carol Ballard
209-207-2504 cell
The match-grade Mini-14s' I purchased from you look exquisite. My complements to you and your staff.
Bill Shoot 4/30/09billshoot@gmail.com
Carl I went to the range this past weekend and I must say WOW WOW WOW you do a superb job. After finishing the break in process I cleaned the rifle and settled in for some 200 yrd shooting and let me tell you I fit a four of a five round group in side of a nickel I had a stray no doubt my fault that stray would still fit in a quarter.
Thanks Dan Hageman 4/8/2009
Sir, 4/4/2009
Thought that I would drop you a short email to let you know that I am very impressed with the trigger job that you recently did on my mini-14. It makes a huge difference. I had previously been very disappointed with the stock trigger prior to your work. Thanks for providing a great service - I am very happy with the result.
Fabian Hobbs
Curt, I have validated the rounds we shot at your house. I believe the 180 gr SST is the right answer. The 178 A max shoots to the same point of impact. Donnly
Looks like it shoots.
Curt curtis@daktel.com
Wanted to give you an update, one year after taking delivery of my ASI Prairie Master AR-15 in 204 Ruger. I loved it then, and even more now. I took it last year on a prairie dog hunt in Wyoming and put ~1200 rounds through it. Little sod poodles didn't know what hit them. With your Maxi-Brake and tuned 2.5lb trigger, I was able to shoot out past 600 yards with regularity. Just got it back out this weekend to make sure I didn't hurt it last year and included a picture of the results. Take out my 1 Oh #$%!, and I had a 14 shot group of .391" @ 100 yards! You guys may not be the cheapest out there, but I can't seem to wipe the grin off my face! Certainly worth every penny! Bring on those custom bolt guns...
Jim Abraham 03/25/2009 10:17:12 P.M. Mountain Daylight TimeDear Carl, 3/11/2009
I left a voice mail for you, but wanted to let you know I could not be more pleased with my Mini 14. I shot it last night, just before dark, on my 65 yard range. I could not believe this was the same gun! Wow. I am mailing you the target.
Many Thanks!
Dan Hawkins,Johnson City, Texas
I just got my Mini 14 trigger back from you. All I can say is THANKS! You are a magician! Anyone that owns a Mini 14 and doesn't have you rework the trigger either doesn't know about the work you do or they don't plan on ever shooting it. What a huge difference. Ruger should just include your business card in the box.
Thanks again,
Mike LumHi Carl, 1/24/2009
In March of 2007 I mailed my Ruger Mini 14, to your company, to have a Match Grade Barrel conversion done, Invoice #4705. I received it back in August. Total cost being, $946.90. I'm extremely happy with the work and performance. I have shot a ½" group with it, at 100 yards, using 50 grain V-Max bullets and 24 grains of N133 powder.
I see you have moved your company to Colorado, better hunting I'm sure.Thanks, Karl Schackmann
Hi Carl,
Thanks for the bipod stud for the .223. I took my time to dremmel in the plate. It turned out super! This solved my accuracy problems using the bipod. Your rifle groups under 1" using 40 gr v-max @ 3750 fps.
Here are a couple yotes from this past week. 1 taken at 260 yds and the other at 70.
Thanks, 1/02/2009 Seth@DairyMD.com

I have one of your Ruger Mini 14s and love it.
Thanks Jon Woodman 1/2/2009