Accuracy Systems, Inc. Click for the BBB Business Review of this Guns & Gunsmiths in Byers CO 1661 Behrens RD
Byers, Colorado 80103
Tel: (303) 822-6849 Fax: (720) 367-5095
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Accuracy Systems' location is not a retail/store front. It is a machine shop with dangerous machines running. For your safety we do not accept walk-ins. PLEASE CALL FOR AN APPOINTMENT IF YOU ARE GOING TO VISIT. THANKS.


Beginning on April 1, 2025, Colorado HB24-1349 requires a 6.5% excise tax on the sales of firearms and ammunition from the retail sale of any firearm, firearm precursor part, or ammunition in Colorado, in addition to sales tax. APPLICABLE TO COLORADO RESIDENTS ONLY

Testimonials 2007

Here are a few YouTube videos of Accuracy Systems Inc. Conversion Rifles filmed by owners.

Suppressed 243 WSSM Vapor trails & 400m Practical Shooting
Mini 14 300yds on steel plate
The custom Mini-14 Ruger again
Ruger Mini-14 Ranch Rifle Accuracy Upgrade

Here are just a few of the many positive responses we receive on a weekly basis.


Took it out today (308Win. AR 10) for the break in, Like the rail, pricey but worth it. Groups like advertised three shot strings .335 to .785 (my bad) using M852 Match ammo. No kick with the ASI Maxi brake.

Thanks for the good work.
Bill Donovan 11/15/2007
Hey Carl, 8/25/2007

Got a 300 ultra from you about a year ago and it is amazing! Have been meaning to send a short video clip but haven't the lense to give a good visual at the target yet. Think it be neat to zoom in, shoot, and zoom out after to show how far 1200 yards is. It has put 4 shots in 9" 1275 and shoots ragged holes @100 all day if I do my job. (Berger 210 vld 90.5grn Retumbo, loaded to fit magazine)

Thanks Derek

Note from webmaster

1275 yards = 3825 feet
1 mile = 1760 yards or 5280 feet
that is .7244 miles, almost ¾ of a mile

I bought an AR-15 guaranteed to shoot under 1/2 inch groups at one hundred yards. It indeed does that and much more. I am very satisfied with this rifle, it was well worth the money.

Thanks, Brad Janecke 8/20/2007

I received the 6mm/223 Mini-14 conversion today. To say the least, I'm impressed! Obviously, I haven't shot the rifle yet, but from what I see, I'll be sending you another for you to do your magic on. I will be sending down a stainless mini-14 in the next week or so. It's a 182 series rifle, so it should not need as many upgrades to get it up to speed. I'm planning on a 24 inch Varmint barreled rifle, in 6mm/223, in your Ultra-Match package. My order form will have the details.

Once again, thank you for a great looking and feeling rifle conversion.
Bill Dufresne 5/27/2007

Hello Carl and Associates. Received the Urban Brawler Sight Rail in good order today. Easily mounted it on my rifle. Fits great and looks super. Mounted my Aimpoint sight. Perfect!. Exactly the mount I was looking for. Allows me to use my open sights if the need arises, balances the rifle where it should be, allows me the ease of field stripping, and puts the the sight forward of the breech preventing ejected brass from possibly hitting the sight. I love it! Great workmanship and quality. Thank you for your outstanding service. I will pass on the good word about your site.... Looking forward to doing business again.

Humble Regards Eric :) 5/20/2007
Hi Carl,

Here is one of the coyotes that fell victim to the rifle you built for me. Gun looks beautiful and shoots great. Thanks!

Seth Sommerville 5/17/2007

Received my mini this past week. Got out to shoot it today. Sub MOA groups with this rifle are a breeze! Thanks for the great work!

Thanks again,
Ron Lee 5/12/2007

Several years ago I had a Min-14 re-worked by your competitor (they were in Texas at the time and I think they still are). It was the saddest thing I had ever seen and it was a waste of over 700 bucks, they stole my money then told me to get lost when I complained about the poor workmanship. I wish I would have know about your company then (it was before the internet). Great things you are doing with the little Ruger, keep up the great work!

Jim Corso 5/10/2007
Good Morning Carl,

Thank you for installing the muzzle breaks on the AR's and the Remington's so quickly (you did it in about a week and replaced a trigger). I like the way they look and they are really guys did an excellent job.thank you!!!

Thanks again, looking forward to getting the Prairie Master. Terry Jacks 5/10/2007

Thank you very, very much. I received my gun yesterday! I'm looking forward to some shooting time with it. I was mounting the scope and noticed that the muzzle break is non-ferrous. Is it removable? My boresighter is a Leupold unit that requires a ferrous surface to stick. Again, I thank you the workmanship is first class and I'm extremely happy with the way it turned out.

Larry Wolk 5/07/2007

Hello Accuracy Systemsl.. Went to the range today and the Adjustable gas block performed superbly. My Mini is shooting great. With this added piece to my array of upgrades, I now have a great shooting tactical rifle that can group 1.5" groupings at 100 meters. Thank you once again for your prompt and outstanding service.

Regards Eric 5/06/2007
Hi, my name is Bobby Kolvet from Reno, Nv. I had you guys do some work on my mini-14 about a year ago. It is awesome!!! Everyone that shoots it or even pulls back on the bolt loves it. If I can see a rabbit, it is pretty much a goner. Thank for everything, you guys do incredible work. Bobby Kolvet 5/06/2007
Hey Carl,

I just wanted to let you know that I received everything ok. I can tell you this...when I opened the case I was really lost for words. You did such a great job!! I'm stoked!! Unfortunately, I probably can't even shoot it for a few months but it will be fun to look at:). I bought another mini about a month ago so I want to get that one done as well...maybe duplicate the order...we will see. Anyway, thanks again and talk to you later.

Hans 5/01/07

Let me refresh your memory in case you may have forgotten. My mini 14 was the .204 conversion with the jamming and ejecting problems. I sent it back to you twice. I was very disappointed, but you stuck with me and were kind enough to pay for return shipping once.

Today was the second time I've had the rifle out since I received it back and I can FINALLY say I'm confident this rifle is now working and reliable. I've put about 100 rounds through her and it's running great!

The accuracy is actually improving too. Its shooting 1/4 MOA at 100 yards! I broke the barrel in per your instructions and it looks to be paying off. The fouling is pretty minimum especially for that hot lil.204 round.

The old saying "turn lemons in to lemonade" applies here. Thank you for having patience along with the right attitude and working the kinks out of this rifle for me. It will be remembered.

Mark Mitzel
accurate rifle testimonial

Thanks Carl.

I'm thrilled with the way the trigger works. I wouldn't change it for the world and I'll have to look into a hellfire system. I wouldn't sell this rifle for $5,000. You probably hear that a lot, but I went out yesterday and won a match with it and I took ONLY HEAD SHOTS on IPSC targets. I can put rounds through the same hole over and over at 25 yards with a red dot USING MILITARY BALL. With real ammo I can probably get about two MOA at 200 yards.

All these guys shooting $3,000 AR-15s can't keep up because they are always jamming.


Tom      12/29/2006


I love the work you did on my Mini-14 (Completed May 2006). I'm really enjoying it, thank you very much. Hornady Vmax Moly - 40 gr. Ammo is the ticket for this rifle.

Thank you,

Trent Balke


Love the 6.8 Mini 30 that you did for me. I have another project..... for you guys.

David Parnell     1/1/2007


Aloha Carl,

I previously reported that the Ruger you built for me was dead on at 50 yards offhand and I sent you the target to prove it. Now it is broken in and I can tell you that it shoots a minute of accuracy at 200 yards with either a cold or hot barrel. It doesn't drift off like stock minis do. I used to dread taking a Mini-14 to competitions with AR15s and Armalites, but not anymore. This isn't the fanciest rifle if the world because I chose to keep it simple, but it is as accurate as anything in it's class.

I cannot thank you enough.

Best Regards

Tom Burnett

January 19, 2007

Hello Carl and Associates.

Received the Urban Brawler Sight Rail in good order today. Easily mounted it on my rifle. Fits great and looks super. Mounted my Aimpoint sight. Perfect!. Exactly the mount I was looking for. Allows me to use my open sights if the need arises, balances the rifle where it should be, allows me the ease of field stripping, and puts the the sight forward of the breech preventing ejected brass from possibly hitting the sight. I love it! Great workmanship and quality. Thank you for your outstanding service. I will pass on the good word about your site.... Looking forward to doing business again. Humble Regards

Eric :)

coyotes that fell victim to the rifle

Hi Carl,

Here is one of the coyotes that fell victim to the rifle you built for me. Gun looks beautiful and shoots great. Thanks!

Sara Sommerville
EarthLink Revolves Around You.


Tuesday, March 25, 03:24:27 PM Mountain Time

Accuracy Systems' location is not a retail/store front. It is a machine shop with dangerous machines running. For your safety we do not accept walk-ins. PLEASE CALL FOR AN APPOINTMENT IF YOU ARE GOING TO VISIT. THANKS.

Hours of operation are Monday thru Thursday 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM, Friday 8:00 AM to 12:00 PM Mountain Time Zone
(Closed Saturday & Sunday)

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