Accuracy Systems, Inc. Click for the BBB Business Review of this Guns & Gunsmiths in Byers CO 1661 Behrens RD
Byers, Colorado 80103
Tel: (303) 822-6849 Fax: (720) 367-5095
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Accuracy Systems' location is not a retail/store front. It is a machine shop with dangerous machines running. For your safety we do not accept walk-ins. PLEASE CALL FOR AN APPOINTMENT IF YOU ARE GOING TO VISIT. THANKS.


Beginning on April 1, 2025, Colorado HB24-1349 requires a 6.5% excise tax on the sales of firearms and ammunition from the retail sale of any firearm, firearm precursor part, or ammunition in Colorado, in addition to sales tax. APPLICABLE TO COLORADO RESIDENTS ONLY

Testimonials 2005

Here are a few YouTube videos of Accuracy Systems Inc. Conversion Rifles filmed by owners.

Suppressed 243 WSSM Vapor trails & 400m Practical Shooting
Mini 14 300yds on steel plate
The custom Mini-14 Ruger again
Ruger Mini-14 Ranch Rifle Accuracy Upgrade

Here are just a few of the many positive responses we receive on a weekly basis.

Check out the great article with Varmint Hunter!

accuracy systems accurate rifles
accuracy systems accurate rifles accuracy systems accurate rifles

Mike Kwak with his animals


Hi Carl, this is Brent Chumbley, you did a heavy barrel job on my mini a few months ago. It shoots awesome now by the way!! I was wondering, if I get a Hogue stock, do I need to modify the stock for it to fit? And also, if I have you do a trigger job eventually, do I need to send the whole thing in or only the trigger group? O yea, and what would that cost me?

Thanks a lot Carl, B

Dear Carl
I would like to thank you for the mini 30 you built me . It looks and performs amazing and the trigger work is flawless.At the range, people are always asking me about it .I often have to explain the adjustable gas block and Linear brake/harmonic compensator. When I bring it to the gun show I see certain vendors cringe when I visit their booth.I turn down all offers of purchase (at least 25 by now).The funny things is I have never seen you guys at a gun show , but half the people say , " Thats an Accuracy System's rifle isnt it ?". Its amazing how your product can speak for itself ...........thanks again
Sean linder
accuracy systems accurate rifles

This is Gregory Whiteley.

As it happens, my FFL had left a message for me. (that the rifle had arrived) the same day I emailed you. The gun looks super - everything I had hopped for. It was a big hit at the gun store.Your match trigger raised everyone's eyebrows. You might be seeing an order or two from Greta's Guns in California.This being California. I can't actually shoot the gun for another 10 days. I'm looking forward to it.

Thanks, GW


Been meaning to e-mail back to you. Thanks for the firearm!! That really is a straight shooter. Nice sights, and trigger.

Thanks a million!

Cecil Cox
Goodmorning Carl:
Just wanted to drop you a note and thank you for a great rifle!

The .204 Ruger is the most accurate rifle that I have purchased in a long time. The first loads were Hornady 32 gr. factory ammo., just to get the brass to reload. The gun shot all 20 rounds in 4 groups all under a 1/2".
A dime covered them up!!

Again thanks again for a great rifle and all your help.

Jerry Whisker
El Paso, Illinois
Hello Carl;

How are you liking your new location in SC? Lots of whitetails there, I understand. Lots of great fishing too. If I lived there, I think I would spend a lot of time fishing for big flathead catfish. I hope you're enjoying the new place. I wanted to ask you about rate of twist in barrel rifling. My Mini 14 that you guys customized has a 0.75" diameter 20-inch Douglas Air Tested Match barrel. This is the only truly accurate Mini-14, I have ever shot, and it is among the most accurate rifles in this chambering I've used. It shoots right with the best target AR-15s, and for a bonus you have the dependability of the Mini-14 action, which in my opinion far exceeds that of the various AR-15s. The barrel on my gun has, I believe, a 1 in 9" rate of twist.

My question about rate of twist is, what weight bullet (.223 Remington) will a 1 in 12" twist stabilize? Will it handle a 52-grain bullet? 55-grain? I see some guns coming out with that rate of twist, and I cannot understand why they put such barrels on their rifles. By selling their rifles with such a slow twist, are the gunmakers catering to the light bullet crowd? I was just wondering.

Oh yes, I wanted to tell you that, about a month ago, I shot a coyote right in the corner of the eye with your gun. Distance was about 117 yards by my rangefinder (measured to a nearby rock after the shot). All I could see was his head sticking up over a sage bush. I put the crosshairs just below his left eye and squeezed one off. The bullet hit within a tad over an inch above where I had set the crosshairs. Windage was dead on. Of course, I had a good rest on a bipod. No way I would have even touched him with this Ranch Rifle before you guys worked it over. He would have run away unscathed. The rifle has worked perfectly since I got it back from you. Let me know if you ever need a recommendation. I will endeavor to get you some more ink as soon as I finish with a couple other projects.

Take care and stay happy.

Best wishes,
Dave Biser

Varmint Hunter accuracy systems accurate rifles

OCTOBER 2004 Varmint Hunter Magazine Article on Accuracy Systems, Inc.

(click here or the image to read the pdf article)

Due to the size of this article please allow a few minutes to open.

" ...the design of the Mini-14 is, like that of many Ruger guns, ingenious."


Tuesday, March 25, 03:16:25 PM Mountain Time

Accuracy Systems' location is not a retail/store front. It is a machine shop with dangerous machines running. For your safety we do not accept walk-ins. PLEASE CALL FOR AN APPOINTMENT IF YOU ARE GOING TO VISIT. THANKS.

Hours of operation are Monday thru Thursday 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM, Friday 8:00 AM to 12:00 PM Mountain Time Zone
(Closed Saturday & Sunday)

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