Barrel Break-In Procedures
Thank you for you purchase of an Accuracy Systems Barrel Conversion. While all of our barrels are of high quality, a new barrel will shoot best if careful attention is given to proper break-in. The bore of your new barrel has “pores” and as you break in the barrel these “pores” are smoothed over. A smooth barrel always cleans up better than one that isn’t.
Equipment needed:
- Purchase 2 or 3 Hoppe’s Bore Snakes suitable for the caliber of your rifle.
- Cleaning & Polishing compound to be used: Brownells JB Bore Compound (083-065-002) (you can get this product by calling Brownells @ 1-800-741-0015) or we recommend using this for the entire break in and after the break in it can be used as a barrel cleaner.
- Automotive Brake Parts cleaner ( For cleaning the Bore Snakes for reuse)
- Load your rounds in the magazine and insert into the rifle. After your last shot the action will stay open allowing for the bore snake to be dropped through the breech end and pulled out the muzzle. Then remove the empty magazine and load the next magazine into the rifle. This is the fastest method.
- Clean barrel after each 3 shot group for the first 60 shots or more if needed. Use one of the Bore snakes with the JB Bore Compound mentioned above. Put the compound in bush area of the snake. Pull the bore snake through the rifle from chamber to muzzle 2 times. Follow that up by pulling the clean, dry, second snake through 1 time. We also recommend 0000 steel wool wrapped around the brush area only this will help lap the barrel even further reducing fouling and speeding the barrel break in. Make sure you use the JB Compound liberally on the steel wool! It is not needed behind the brush area.
- Check to see if there is any visible copper fouling. The barrel will have an orange or brown tint inside the barrel if it is fouled. If copper is visible repeat the pull through process a few extra times. REPEAT TILL ALL COPPER IS GONE!
NOTE: If Bore snake is used for different chemicals make SURE to completely clean it with the brake cleaner to remove any cleaning solvent from step 1. Mixing of chemicals could have an adverse effect on the barrel. Three bore snakes are recommended for ease of break in. After brake cleaner has been applied to the bore snake, wring it out to remove the excessive brake cleaner. You may have to repeat this process until the snake is completely clean. Allow the bore snake to dry out. It should evaporate with in about 15 minutes in direct sun light. - For the next 30 shots, Clean the barrel after each 3 shot group following the above initial break in procedures. The Barrel should be finished with the break in process after 90 rounds. However if you still notice fouling you may have to continue the process until fouling is at a minimum.
- Revert to your normal cleaning schedule. Make sure to continue to always clean your barrel during and after each outing to insure the optimum accuracy out of your rifle.
Tuesday, March 25, 03:14:26 PM Mountain Time
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